Thursday, March 31, 2011
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/31
Talked about some cultural differences and some vocabulary that they heard a lot.
Homework: AP --> Vocab Quiz S Part II
B1 Japanese 2 3/31
- Checked homework
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched fruits basket
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed verbs and clothing vocabulary
- Reviewed all the grammar for Chapter 3
Homework: Chapter 3 test
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
A2 Japanese 1 3/30
- Checked homework (yellow exercises)
- Finished correcting yellow exercises
- Reviewed frequency words
- Reviewed particles wa, no, de, o
- Reviewed verbs
- Gave time to the students to get in groups and talk about their final project (Culture presentation)
- New vocabulary about food from the book
- Writing practice using the grammar learned (verbs and particles)
No Homework
Extra Credit for term 4
1) Do an extra day on the "24 hour speaking only in Japanese" assignment 40 points
2) Attend Nihon Matsuri (Japan's Festival) in Salt Lake on April 30th (Sat) 40 points. You'll have also to write a 1 page report attaching some pictures you took from the event.
Check the following website to get more information.
A1 Japanese 1 3/30
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Verbs quiz
- Finished yellow exercises
- Reviewed frequency words
- Reviewed particles wa, no, de, o
- Gave time to the students to get in groups and talk about their final project (Culture presentation)
No Homework
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/29
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Weather/climate quiz
- New grammar Plain form + kamo shiremasen
- Exercises using weather and new grammar
- Nihongo dekimasu
No homework
B1 Japanese 2 3/29
- Talked about this term's projects. (Speaking for 24 hour assignment and culture presentation)
- Talked about the Unit learned
- Reviewed the whole Unit (verbs to wear and grammar) using the review packet
Homework: Verbs list from the review packet
Monday, March 28, 2011
Fundraiser total amount
Japanese 2 $233,35
Japanese 3/AP $628,91
Thank you again for everyone that asked your friends and family members for donation. I'll be donating all the money this week to American Red Cross.
If you forgot to donate, it's okay!!! Just remember you can donate through any government or Church associations. Let's try to do our part so that we can help people in Japan.
A2 Japanese 1 3/28
- Talked about Term 4 projects (Speak Japanese for 24 hours & Culture presentation)
- Reviewed verbs
- Verbs Quiz
- Reviewed frequency terms in Japanese
- Exercises using frequency terms
Homework: Finish the worksheet was given in class
A1 Japanese 1 3/28
- Talked about Term 4 projects (Speak Japanese for 24 hours & Culture presentation)
- Reviewed frequency terms in Japanese
- Reviewed verbs
- Exercises using frequency terms
Homework: Verbs Quiz
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/25
- Reviewed weather terms
- Oral practice using weather terms
- Went through all the weather, season and climate terms
- Karuta game using new terms
Homework: weather, season and climate terms Quiz
B1 Japanese 2 3/25
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Verbs Quiz
- Talked about grades
- Exercises using previous grammar (Negative questions)
No homework
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Continue asking your friends, neighbors and families for donation
A1 Cheng san
A2 Argyle san
B1 Robb san
B2 O'Reilly san
The class that collects more will get a party that you choose from me. Pizza party, curry party, movie party, whatever you guys choose, I will give that to you!
Let's help the victims in Japan!!! Any dollar will count!
Another way to help with donation
Here's the link for the video.
A1 A2 Japanese 1 3/24
- Checked homework
- A1 finished watching totoro
- A2 finished watching Spirited away
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed particles and previous grammar (Yoku, sukoshi, demo)
- New grammar (Frequency terms) from book P. 78
- Reviewed verbs for the quiz we are having next class (Study the last page of your katakana packet)
Homework: Verbs Quiz
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
A2 Japanese 1 3/22
- Reviewed Katakana with exercises
- Reviewed verbs type and bases conjugation
- Talked about masu box and how we combine with Base II
- Exercises using BII + Masu box
Homework: Finish exercises (front and back)
A1 Japanese 1 3/22
- Reviewed Katakana with exercises
- Reviewed verbs type and bases conjugation
- Talked about masu box and how we combine with Base II
- Exercises using BII + Masu box
- Watched Totoro
Homework: Finish exercises (front and back)
Monday, March 21, 2011
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/21
- Japanese Club tomorrow after school (Japanese calligraphy)
- Fundraising to help Japanese victims (Our class reader is Jared Hall)
- Last day of this term is this Friday the 25th
Japanese 3
Reviewed previous weather terms
Checked homework
Corrected homework (Exercises writing about Utah's season using weather terms)
Japanese AP
Reviewed for the quiz
Quiz Part S I
No homework for both classes
B1 Japanese 2 3/21
- Japanese Club tomorrow after school (Japanese calligraphy)
- Fundraising to help Japanese victims (Our class reader is Jared Hall)
- Last day of this term is this Friday the 25th
- Checked homework (Exercises using Place ni BII ni ikimasu)
- Reviewed previous grammar
- Corrected homework
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched a movie brought by Garik Glenn
Friday, March 18, 2011
Fund Raising Competition!!!
Dear Japanese students,
In order to help the people in Japan, I am planning on doing a fund raiser. I know that everyone is busy this week because it's the last week of the term, but I know that if everyone contributes a little, we can make a difference in lots of people's lives. Thousands of people lost everything they had including their loved ones. I've heard that many of them only have now the clothes they were wearing on the day of this terrible incident. I was fortunate that my parents and my brother don't live in the affected area of the tsunami, but I can imagine how hard it would be if my family would be one of them.
I am asking for everyone's help! If you have friends, family members, neighbours that would like to help, please reach all of them!
I am going to do a class competition between all the five classes I teach. The class that brings the largest amount of donation will get a pizza party.
The last day to collect donations will be next Friday and I will announce the winner class on Monday, the 28th. I am planning on donating everything to American Red Cross.
If everyone we know donates $1, imagine how much money we will be able to donate!
Yoroshiku onegaishimasu!!!!!
Bellini sensei
Japanese Club next Tuesday
I'm looking forward to seeing you guys there!!!
Japanese 2 next year
In order to help you guys to decide which period you should take, I decided to have B1 Japanese 2 as a more accelerated course where we don't have to review too much and we can go ahead and learn more and more things. Those who decide to take Japanese 2 as B1, make sure you do your homework!!!! Otherwise B4 will be better for you.
B4 will be the regular Japanese 2.
Both courses will be covering the same Japanese 2 book, however I will go extra mile with B1 teaching more grammar and Kanji.
A1 & A2 Japanese 1 3/18
Everyone did pretty well!!! I am very proud of you guys!!!
Watched Totoro
Watched Spirited Away
No homework
Thursday, March 17, 2011
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/17
- Watched Laputa
- Weather, seasons and climate of Japan
- Watched a weather forecast news in Japanese
- Practice exercises explaining about weather
Homework: Japanese 3 --> Weather Packet P.41
Japanese AP --> Vocab Quiz S Part I
B1 Japanese 2 3/17
- Checked homework (Blue exercises practicing "not allowed to do")
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched Azumanga Daioh (Sports festival)
- Reviewed previous grammar Base te mo ii desu ka? Base te mo kamaimasen & Base te wa ikemasen
- Reviewed Place ni BII ni ikimasu
- New vocabulary about places to go P. 80 - 81 (Movie theather, library, I.D., driver;s license, etc.)
Homework: Blue exercises practicing Place ni BII ni ikimasu
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
A1 A2 Japanese1 3/16
- Announcements (End of the term is next Friday and Japanese Club is next Tuesday)
- Reviewed Katakana
- Katakana Quiz everything
- Katakana Karuta game
- Reviewed for oral test
Homework: Oral test (study the paper given in class)
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Japanese Club March activity
Bring your friends, if you want. It will be lots of fun!!!
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/15
Japanese 3
Checked homework (Clauses/modifying sentences)
Reviewed + corrected homework
Japanese AP
Typing practice using the laptops
Using the new grammar (clauses) we played "Do you love your neighbour?" in Japanese.
Example: となりの人を愛していますか。
No homework for both classes
B1 Japanese 2 3/15
- Checked homework (verbs list exercises)
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed previous grammar Base te mo kamaimasen & Base te wa ikemasen
- Oral practice reviewing previous grammar
- New vocabulary about school rules
- New grammar Topic wa+ Place ni + BII ni+ ikimasu.
私は がっこうに べんきょうしに いきます。
Homework: Exercises using new vocabulary + writing sentences about what you are not allowed to in your Japanese class and in the library (Blue exercises)
Friday, March 11, 2011
A2 Japanese 1 3/11
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Verbs (Conjugation + verb types) Quiz
- Reviewed for oral test (3/18) translating the questions and answering the questions together
- Reviewed base II
- Reviewed masu box
Homework: Hiragana everything Quiz
A1 Japanese 1 3/11
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Verbs (Conjugation + verb types) Quiz
- Reviewed for oral test (3/18) translating the questions and answering the questions together
- Reviewed base II
- Reviewed masu box
- New grammar Particle de, o and demo
Homework: Hiragana everything Quiz
Thursday, March 10, 2011
B 2 Japanese 3/AP 3/10
Japanese 3
Checked homework
Corrected homework
New grammar "toshite"
Japanese AP
Exercises reviewing Vocabulary N, O, P & R
Started practicing typing in Japanese
Homework: Japanese 3 --> Modifying sentences exercises
Japanese AP --> No homework
B1 Japanese 2 3/10
- Reviewed "to wear" verbs and clothing quiz
- Quiz
- Review Base te for new grammar
- New grammar Base te wa ikemasen & Base te mo kamaimasen
- Exercises using new grammar
Homework: Verbs exercises given in class (white paper)
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
A2 Japanese 1 3/9
- Checked homework (verbs exercises) and flashcards (10 points each)
- Reviewed verbs
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Reviewed Katakana in pairs
- Karuta game
Homework: Verbs Quiz (verb type + ichidan, godan, irregular bases conjugation)
A1 Japanese 1 3/9
- Checked homework (verbs exercises) and flashcards (10 points each)
- Reviewed verbs
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Reviewed Katakana in pairs
- Karuta game
- New grammar from the book
Homework: Verbs Quiz (verb type + ichidan, godan, irregular bases conjugation)
B1, B2, B3 Japanese 2, 3, AP 3/8
Japanese 3/AP watched a movie
Homework: Japanese 2 --> Clothing vocab + "to wear" verbs Quiz
Jap 3 --> Finish exercises 3 & 4
AP --> Finish reading comprehension exercises
Monday, March 7, 2011
A2 Japanese 1 3/7
- Collected Katakana Packet. It was worth 450 points (10 points pet page). If you bring by next class, I will take off 20% of the total grade and after Wednesday you will only get half of the credit.
- Reviewed Katakana for the quiz
- Katakana Quiz ma-n
- Reviewed verb types
- Reviewed Godan conjugation
- Learned ichidan and irregular conjugation
- Memorized irregular conjugation
Homework: Finish pink paper given in class (Verbs exercises) and bring your set of Katakana flashcards. We are going to practice in pairs next class.
A1 Japanese 1 3/7
- Collected Katakana Packet that was worth 450 points. If you forgot today, make sure you bring to me next class. I will take only 20% off the total grade. If you turn in later than Wednesday, you will only get 225 points.
- Reviewed all Katakana for the Quiz
- Katakana Quiz ma-n
- Reviewed verb types
- Reviewed bases conjugation and stem
- Memorizes together irregular verbs conjugation
Homework: Finish the pink verbs exercises and bring your Katakana flashcards to practice in pairs next class
Friday, March 4, 2011
B3 Japanese 3/AP 3/4
Vocabulary review exercises for A, B and C parts
Corrected exercises
Reading comprehension exercises from AP test
Japanese 3
New grammar BII + kaemasu
Modifying sentences using verbs and adjectives
Exercises using new grammar + Corrected Ex. 1 & 2
Homework: Jap 3 --> Finish exercises 3 & 4
AP --> Finish reading comprehension exercises
B1 Japanese 2 3/4
Culture discussion about the differences between Japan, Brazil and US.
Homework: To wear verbs + Clothing Vocab Quiz (Study P. 69 and 70 of your book)
Thursday, March 3, 2011
A1 & A2 Japanese 1 3/3
- Reviewed Katakana everything
- Reviewed restaurant dialogue
- Role-play
Homework: Katakana Quiz ma-n
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/2
Japanese 3
Checked homework from Japanese 3 (Finish pink exercises)
Reviewed toiu and toka
Corrected homework
Japanese AP
Reviewed for Quiz
Vocab Quiz P & R
No homework for both classes
B1 Japanese 2 3/2
- Finished oral tests
- Watched part of Mononoke Hime
- Reviewed important phrases to know tomorrow for the field trip
- Restaurant role-play
No homework