Wednesday, May 22, 2019

5/22 Japanese 2 and AP

Collected Kanji packets

Final test

Corrected tests

Homework: Bring snacks for our party (you will get extra credit)

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

5/21 Japanese 1 and 3

Collected Kanji packets

Final test

Corrected tests

Homework: Bring snacks for our party (you will get extra credit)

Japanese 3 students: You will have until 5/22 at 5 pm to send me your 1 minute phone conversation with a Japanese native speaker. 

Monday, May 20, 2019

5/20 Japanese AP A4

Reviewed Kanji with a partner

Played quizlet live

Homework: Send me your 1 minute Japanese conversation and study for finals.

5/20 Japanese 2 A1, A2, A3

Checked homework: Kanji review packet below

Reviewed Kanji flashcards with a partner

Played quizlet live

Watched a movie "Silent Voice"

Homework:  Keep studying for Kanji final using the link below and finish Kanji packet by next class (no exceptions).

Friday, May 17, 2019

5/17 Japanese 3 B4

Homework: Unit 9 grammar test and bring your packet finished (all kanji review-yellow)

REviewed Kanji flashcards individually Unit 1-8

Silent voice

Listening practice and collected grammar packet 


Final test using the link below and Kanji packet

Also, your 1 minute speaking with a native speaker (recorded) is due Wednesday. You need to send it to me by 5/22 or come during lunch on Wednesday to talk to Japanese native speakers to finish this assignment. 

5/17 Japanese 1 B1 and B3

Homework: Keep reviewing the Kanji below for the finals next Tuesday.

Unit 4 vocab quiz and finish worksheet P. 27 and 28

Reviewed Kanji

Finished worksheet Listening P. 28-29

Collected Unit 4 packet worksheets

Reviewed all Japanese 1 Kanji and played quizlet live

Homework: Keep reviewing the Kanji below for the finals next Tuesday and bring your Kanji packet entirely finished.

Test practice

Thursday, May 16, 2019

5/16 Japanese AP A4

Fieldtrip to Asian store in Sandy

5/16 Japanese 1 A1, A2, A3

No homework

Finished Grammar packet and listening

Collected the packet below 

Practiced speaking

Reviewed Unit 1-12 Kanji flashcards individually

Played quizlet live

Worked on all Kanji review packet below

Homework:  Keep studying for Kanji final using the link below

Also, finish the Kanji review packet given in class