Friday, April 29, 2011

B2 Japanese 3/AP 4/29

  • Talked about some similarities and differences between US and America.
  • Watched 2 more episodes of one litter of tears

Homework: Translate one sentence for your final project. (If you have more than 1 person in your group, make sure that each person has to translate a different sentence)

Also, I will be collecting the 24 hour assignment packet next class (Tuesday), so if for somereason you couldn't do it this week, you still have Monday to finish it.

B1 Japanese 2 4/29

  • Collected homework (10 words from the movie watched last class and write half a page about the cultural differences you recognized from the movie)
  • Watched 2 more episodes of one litter of tears

Homework: Translate one sentence for your final project. (If you have more than 1 person in your group, make sure that each person has to translate a different sentence)

Also, I will be collecting the 24 hour assignment packet next class (Tuesday), so if for somereason you couldn't do it this week, you still have Monday to finish it.

A1 & A2 Japanese 1 4/28


  • Checked homework (One sentence translation)
  • Asked the students to write their English sentences on the board
  • Translated the sentences together
  • Watched Drama "one litter of tears"

Homework: Translate sentences for your final project

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

B2 Japanese 3/AP 4/27


  • While JAP AP students were taking the quiz, JAP 3 students worked on sentences translations.
  • Watched the 4th episode of one litter of tears
  • Talked about the drama
  • Gave 24 hour speaking assignment that should be done by Friday of next week.

No Homework

B1 Japanese 2 4/27


  • Checked homework (Ch 3 dialogue reading comprehensions)
  • Since everyone did the homework, we watched one litter of tears
  • Write 10 words from the movie
  • Talked about the differences between Japan and US
Homework: Write about the drama you watched today in class. Mention about the cultural differences and also some insteresting things you saw in the drama today about the Japanese Language, people or culture.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A2 Japanese 1 4/26


  • Checked homework
  • Since everyone did their homework, we watched 2 episodes of 1 litter of tears
  • Reviewed vocabulary (newspaper, magazine, anything, etc)
  • Reviewed verbs (Dictionary form and polite form) with pictures
  • Corrected homework
  • Signed papers for 24 hour speaking assignment

Homework: Bring one sentence translated from your project

A1 Japanese 1 4/26


  • Checked homework
  • Reviewed vocabulary (newspaper, magazine, anything, etc)
  • Reviewed verbs (Dictionary form and polite form) with pictures
  • Corrected homework
  • One sentence translation from your project
  • Signed papers for 24 hour speaking assignment

Homework: Bring one sentence translated from your project

B1 & B2 Japanese 2, 3 and AP

You watched a Japanese movie with the sub and handed in 10 words you could understand from the movie. It was worth 10 points.

Japanese 2: First exercise on the handout given in class
Japanese 3: Write half page about the drama
Japanese AP: Vocab Quiz

A1 & A2 Japanese 1 4/22


  • Vocabulary Quiz (food and frequency)
  • Gave grammar exercises
  • Watched the drama called one litter of tears

Homework: Finish the grammar exercises

Thursday, April 21, 2011

B2 Japanese 3/AP 4/21


  • Checked homework (Translate one sentence)
  • Checked everyone's translations translating together on the board
  • Watched 1 litter of tears episode 2

JAP 3 Write half page of some cultural simmilarities and differences that you saw on the drama watched in class


B1 Japanese 2 4/21


  • Checked homework (Sentence translation)
  • Translated the sentences together on the board
  • Reading practice using the book (Dialogue of Chapter 3)
  • Gave reading comprehension exercises
  • Gave 24 hour speaking assignment

Homework: First exercise on the handout given in class

Extra Credit for this term due next week

Just a reminder that your big extra credit opportunities are due next week!

1)You can do an extra day of your 24 hour speaking Japanese assignment 40 points

2)Attend Japan's matsuri in SLC (4/30). You will have to write a one page report in English including pictures that you took from that event. Describe the activities you saw and interesting things that you learned. 50 points

A2 Japanese 1 4/20


  • Checked homework (One translation from English to Japanese)
  • Checked if everyone brought the copy of your final project research
  • Checked everyone's translation together on the board
  • Reviewed how to change the verbs to base II
  • Reviewed foods vocab (P. 80 and 83)
  • Reviewed meals vocab and particle ni わたしはあさごはんにトーストをたべました。
  • Telephone game using the concepts reviewed in class today

Homework: Vocab Quiz (Study pages 74、75、79、80)

A1 Japanese 1 4/20


  • Checked homework (English sentences using the information got in the library for your final project)
  • Checked if everyone brought the copy of your final project research
  • Translated one sentence from English to Japanese
  • Reviewed how to change the verbs to base II
  • Reviewed foods vocab (P. 80 and 83)
  • Reviewed meals vocab and particle ni わたしはあさごはんにトーストをたべました。
  • Telephone game using the concepts reviewed in class today
  • New particle と(With)

Homework: Vocab Quiz (Study pages 74、75、79、80)

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

B2 Japanese 3/AP 3/19


  • Oral practice 春休みに何をしましたか。
  • Collected journals (3 entries)
  • Watched one episode of TV drama 1 litter of tears
  • Reading practice
  • Reading comprehension questions

Homework: Bring one sentence from your final project translated

B1 Japanese 2 4/19


  • Review Kanji
  • Game on the board in groups
  • Review Ch 3 vocab
  • Karuta game using verbs from chapter 3
  • Work on the first sentence translation for the final project

Homework: Bring one sentence translated. Baum san and Jolley san will have to bring me the final project research paper done.

A2 Japanese 1 4/18


  • Oral practice スプリング・ブレークになにをしましたか。
  • Reviewed verbs (meaning and base II)
  • Translated the sentences written on the board
  • Reviewed particles and vocab learned in chapter 4
Homework: Translate one sentence from English to Japanese from your final project

A1 Japanese 1 4/18


  • Oral practice スプリング・ブレークになにをしましたか。
  • Reviewed verbs (meaning and base II)
  • Translated the sentences written on the board
  • Reviewed particles and vocab learned in chapter 4

Homework: Create 10 sentences in English using the info you got from your research.

Friday, April 8, 2011

B1 & B2 Japanese 2 , 3 and AP

Japanese 2, 3 and AP

Worked on the research of your Final project (Presentation about one aspect of the Japanese Culture). Filled out the handout below about your project and turned in it today. It was worth 10 points.

Worked on creating sentences in English about their own topics to be used for the project.

Japanese 2 created 10 sentences.

Japanese 3 and AP will be presenting entirely in Japanese, so they created their script according to the research they have done in the computer today.

If you were absent today, fill out the information below and give it to me after the Spring Break. We'll be working on your presentation for 10 minutes every single class from now on. This presentation is worth 100 points and has to be presented during the last week of this term.

Japanese 3 & AP: Your homework is to write 3 entries in your journal (One about this week and two about your spring break). Each entry is worth 10 points.

Japanese Final Project

This handout will be kept by your teacher as a reference of your final project. If you do any changes before the presentation, let your teacher know and update the information in this paper as well.

Name(s) of the student(s): __________________________________________________

Class period: ________________

Today’s date: ________________

Project’s topic: _______________________________________

Answer the following questions.

1) Why did you choose this topic?

2) How did you conduct your research? Books, internet, etc.

3) If you conducted the research using the internet, list at least 3 sources (websites) that you gathered the information.

4) List here at least 5 interesting facts that you found through the research.






5) What are some pictures that you are going to use for your poster? List the names and also the websites you found those.






B2 Project topics

1) Alex, Michael and Daniel: Karate

2) Melinda, Courtney and Jessica: Japanese anime

3) Josh and Chase: Pokemon

4) Jyai & Jose: Purikura (Japanese print pictures)

5) Trevor, Graham, Donatelo: Tokyo

I still need the topic and the Final project handout from Garik.

B1 Project topics

1) Gau san & Kirkham san: Japanese motorcycles

2) Weekes san and Stewart san: Yakisoba (Japanese noodles)

3) Donohue san: Manga

4) Smith san and Corinne san: Anime

5) Hall san and Clayton san: Bonsai trees and Akita dog

6) Hayter san: Japanese architecture

7) Bown san: Karate

8) Hatch san, Garrison san & Gustafson san: Sukiyaki (Japanese food)

9) Nathan san: Jiu Jitsu

10) Robb san: Atomic Bombing

11) Miyo san: Japanese fashion

12) Hayward san: Sushi

I haven't got the topics from Christensen san & Jones san.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A2 project topics

1) Hunt san & Hamblin san: Samurai

2) Davis san & Dorsey san: Nintendo games

3) Hampton san: Yakuza

4) Magleby san, Warren san & Pozgan san:

5) Orchard san & Smith san: Ninja warriors

6) Wandvik san, Robb san and Argyle san: Senday before and after

7) Kaplan san: Lolita

8) Hodgson san: Manga & Mangaka (Japanese comics)

A1 project topics

1) Carmona san & Vasquez san: Tokyo

2) Tripp san: Katana (Japanese swords)

3) Furner san: Japanese music

4) Vannarath san, Martinez san & Baum san: Kimono

5) Haley san: Godzilla

6) Walker san & Alexander san: Japanese engineering

7) Bates san, Garrison san & Chen san: Japanese Bboy (Break dance)

8) Yocom san: Musashi (Samurai)

9) Childs san, Nebeker san & Wilkinson san: Sushi

If you change your topic, make sure you choose something that none of the groups above are doing and let me know to what you have changed.

A1 & A2 Japanese 1 4/7


Went to the library again to do some research for our Final project. This is the handout you had to turn in today. It was worth 10 points. I will keep the original and I'll give you guys a copy of your research so that you know what websites to look for, which pictures to put on your poster and which information you want to translate to Japanese. Remember that you'll need to write 10 sentences in Japanese and SHOULD be presented in a poster and NOT power point.

Japanese Final Project

This handout will be kept by your teacher as a reference of your final project. If you do any changes before the presentation, let your teacher know and update the information in this paper as well.

Name(s) of the student(s): __________________________________________________

Class period: ________________

Today’s date: ________________

Project’s topic: _______________________________________

Answer the following questions.

1) Why did you choose this topic?

2) How did you conduct your research? Books, internet, etc.

3) If you conducted the research using the internet, list at least 3 sources (websites) that you gathered the information.

4) List here at least 5 interesting facts that you found through the research.






5) What are some pictures that you are going to use for your poster? List the names and also the websites you found those.






Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Japanese Club tomorrow

Japanese Club will be tomorrow after school.

We'll be doing Japanese calligraphy. Invite your friends!!! It is an unique opportunity to write Japanese characters using a brush on a rice paper.

If you were absent during this week

This week we are having our classes in the library in order to do some research for your final project. If you were absent this week, ask your parents to excuse your absences and also, you'll have to do some research at home.

There's no formal homework during Spring Break, but everyone needs to bring all the research you have done to the first class after the break.

We are going to start writing sentences in Japanese using the info you got from your research, so if you don't bring what you have researched you will not be able to write.

B2 Japanese 3/AP 4/6

Curry Party!!!!

Collected journals.

Homework: Write in your journal

B1 Japanese 2 4/6


  • Went to the library and everyone learned how to type in Japanese.
  • Typed some sentences in Japanese and sent it by email.
  • Translated the sentences and turned those in.

No homework

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

A1 & A2 Japanese 1 4/5

Went to the library and learned how to type in Japanese.

The assignment done in the library was worth 20 points.

Next class you will be doing some research for your project.

Monday, April 4, 2011

B2 Japanese 3/AP 4/4


Explained about journal assignment (Include date, weather, things you did on the previous day and feelings)
Sad: 悲しい(かなしい)
Happy: 嬉しい(うれしい)
Scared: 怖い(こわい)
Stressed: ストレスを溜まっている〔ストレスをたまっている〕
Disappointed: 絶望している(ぜつぼうしている)
Exausted: しんどいです

Reviewed with AP students for the quiz
AP took Vocab Quiz S Part II

Watched nihongo dekimasu (Palin form + kamoshiremasen)

Homework: Write in your journal

B1 Japanese 2 4/4


  • Reviewed for the test (Kanji, clothing vocab, grammar and verbs)
  • Chapter 3 test

No homework. Remember that we'll be meeting at the library.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Extra credit!

Don't forget to look at the extra credit post I have posted a couple of days ago. Both of them are due this month!!!!! No big extra credit for May, so don't leave everything for the last minute!

With both extra credits, you will be able to learn a lot about the Japanese culture and how to try to express yourself using only in Japanese even though you feel your vocabulary is still limited. The purpose of the speaking one is for you guys to try to use and recall what you have learned throughout the year. This is a great opportunity for all you to go back to what we have learned and review vocabulary, grammar and verbs.

Good luck!!!

Next week's class schedule

Tuesday (A day)
  • A1 and A2 classes --> go to the computer lab. You will learn how to type using hiragana and katakana.

Wednesday (B day)
  • B1 --> Go to the computer lab. You will learn how to type using hiragana, katakana and kanji.
  • B2 --> Curry party (They won the donation competition)

Thursday (A day)
  • A1 and A2 classes --> go to the computer lab. You will start doing some research about your Final project (Culture presentation)
  • Japanese Club (Japanese calligraphy) after school
Friday (B Day)
  • B1 and B2 classes --> go to the computer lab. You will start doing some research about your Final project (Culture presentation)

All students should bring to each single class (after Spring Break) all the information you could get from your research. We are going to spend 10 minutes of each class working on creating sentences for your presentation.

A2 Japanese 1 4/1


  • Reviewed Katakana
  • Katakana writing game in small white board
  • Reviewed previous vocabulary (Frequency words, food and verbs)
  • New grammar (Particle ni)
  • New vocabulary (Today, yesterday and tomorrow)
  • Gave their writing practice back
  • Writing practice using new grammar (6 sentences)

No homework

A1 Japanese 1 4/1


  • Reviewed Katakana
  • Katakana writing game in small white board
  • Reviewed previous vocabulary (Frequency words, food and verbs)
  • Explained the difference between masu (polite form of action verbs) and desu (polite form of verb to be)
  • New grammar (Particle ni)
  • New vocabulary (Today, yesterday and tomorrow)
  • Exercises using new grammar
  • Writing practice using new grammar (3 sentences)

No homework