Friday, December 16, 2011
Do you know how to say Happy New Year in Japanese?
Japanese New Year
OseiboIn Japan people give some gift in a lot of occasion. Oseibo is the most common issue as a year-end gift. They give it to their superiors, customers and teachers to express appreciation for the special services they have extended to them. Picture Asakusa Temple (c) Tomoyuki.U.
BonenkaiBonenkai is a party usually held among office colleagues and bosses. Bonenkai litarelly means a "Forget-the-year party" to forget the unpleasant memories of the passing year and to welcome the New Year with a fresh and serene mind. At the party, bosses usually tell their stuff to be Breiko (to forget their position and be impolite!), because the relationship in the workplace in Japan is a bit strict. For example, Japanese language has various expression for each word. One is called a polite word and another is called a modest word. People use these words in formal situation such as in a workplace. Picture Hanazono shrine.
OmisokaOmisoka is the day of New Year’s Eve. Since the New Year is the biggest event in Japan, people celebrate the Eve as well. People work so hard to prepare the New Year around one or two weeks such as cleaning (like spring cleaning in here) and shopping. The reason people do the cleaning in the middle of winter is to get rid of the dirty of the passing year and to welcome the New Year with a fresh and serene mind. And on Omisoka, with preparing the New Year’s special dishes called Osechi-ryori, people finish up all the work of the year. P
eople eat Toshikoshi-soba at night and stay up till midnight to listen to the 108 chimes of a nearby temple bell. Toshikoshi-soba is a bowl of hot brown noodles in broth. The noodle is a homophone for a word that means “being close” and therefore signifies the approach of the New Year. The 108 chimes called Joya-no-kane, rings out the old year and rings in the New Year. It is supposed to release people from the 108 worldly sins.Pictures: Stone statue of Jizo (religious icon) and inside shrine (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
ShogatsuShogatsu is the celebration of the New Year and is the most important holiday in Japan. Entrances are decorated with a Shimekezari. A Shimekazari is a twisted straw rope with fern leaves, an orange and other items of good omen. Family gather to their hometown and spend the time together. People celebrate the New Year with sweet sake called Toso, a soup called Zoni and Osechi-ryori during the holiday. Picture Kaminarimon (shrine) (c) Tomoyuki.U.
OtoshidamaDuring the holiday, people give special allowances to their children, nephews and nieces called Otoshidama. It is the busiest season for toy shops to attract children to spend their Otoshidama. Picture lucky charms (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
NengajoPeople send a lot of greeting cards to their relatives, friends, business acquaintances and customers to wish them a happy New Year. Post offices in Japan collect and keep them then deliver them on the New Year day all at once. This is a good opportunity to keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances.Picture roadside to a shrine (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
HatsumoudeThe shrines all over Japan are packed with people from the New year’s day to January 3rd. People go to shrine to pray for safety, happiness and long lives of the family. A lot of people are dressed up with their Kimono and buy a good luck talisman called Omamori. It is kept as a protection from illness, accidents and disasters. Picture shrine-entrance (c) Tomoyuki.U.
How to write "Happy New Year" in Japanese - あけましておめでとうございます
How to say "Happy New Year" in Japanese - Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu
Christmas in Japan
Christmas in Japan - Comparison between a Japanese Christmas and Christmas in western country.
Christmas in Japan is different from western countries like the USA or Australia. The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, so Christmas is more commercial event. The main celebration revolves around Christmas eve and not Christmas day.
In Japan it is common to give Christmas presents. Within the family parents give presents to their children, but the children do not give presents to the parents. The reasoning behind this is that only Santa bring presents, so once the children no longer believe in Santa the presents are no longer given.
Most Japanese families would have a Christmas tree and now it is becoming very common to have lights on the outside of houses as you would see in the USA or Australia.
Christmas in Japan for Single Women
For single women in Japan it is really crucial to have someone to spend Christmas eve with. It is also really important for them where they spend Christmas eve and what present they receive. The whole evening must be very special, gorgeous and romantic. Japanese women who have a boy friend tend to show off, so women who don't are not happy to talk about the topic.
There also used to be a sarcasm that Christmas is compared with a woman's age. Cake shops throughout Japan always try to sell all their Christmas cakes before Christmas eve. Any cakes left after Christmas are seen to be very old or out of date. Women over 25 years old used to be said 'unsold Xmas cake.' It's a bit bad joke, though. However, nowadays, the average age for marriage has changed, getting older and older, and it is a history.
Christmas in Japan - Business & Shopping Hours
The shops are open Christmas day and all other days up to New Years day, except they close early on the 31st.
Most shops are then closed on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd. After this it depends on the shop, some will stay closed longer. The trend is towards shops opening on the 2nd of January.
Christmas in Japan - Language
How to say "Merry Christmas" in Japanese - easy - "Merry Christmas"
How to write "Merry Christmas" in Japanese - メリークリスマス
12/16 Japanese 2, 3 and AP
- Gave everyone's script back
- Ate some snacks
- Bingo
- Caroling around the school
Thursday, December 15, 2011
12/15 Japanese 1 A3 and A4
Months and days of the month quiz
Ate snacks
Went caroling
Homework: Work on your family presentation (powerpoint + draft)
12/15 Japanese 1 A1
Months and days of the month quiz
Practiced Christmas carols
Went caroling
Homework: Work on your family presentation (powerpoint + draft)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
12/14 Japanese 2 B4
- Collected movie script translated to Japanese
- Finished review packet (Kanji exercises)
- Sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" for Cave TV
- Reviewed suki
- Played "do you love your neighbor?"
- Worked on family presentation
Homework: Your presentation draft is due Jan 4th
If you bring a food to share on Friday, I will give you 10 points of extra credit.
12/14 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Everyone got in groups to discuss their movie project
- Collected script in Japanese
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Kanji Quiz (hand, matter, number, etc)
- Reading practice
- Reviewed previous vocab
Homework: Bring a food to share for our Christmas party
12/14 Japanese 2 B1
- Collected movie script translated to Japanese
- Finished review packet (Kanji exercises)
- Sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" for Cave TV
- Reviewed suki
- Played "do you love your neighbor?"
- Worked on family presentation
Homework: Your presentation draft is due Jan 4th
If you bring a food to share on Friday, I will give you 10 points of extra credit.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
12/13 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (days of the month exercises in hiragana)
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Finished nationality exercises
- Occupation exercises
- Added new information to their family draft
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
12/13 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (days of the month exercises in hiragana)
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Vocabulary list
- Occupation exercises
- Added new information to their family draft
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
Next class we will have a Christmas party at AFHS. Bring your Santa hat and a dish to share. Extra credit to those who bring it!!!!!
12/13 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- Reviewed months
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Vocabulary list
- Finished nationality exercises (white)
- Added new information to their family draft
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
Monday, December 12, 2011
12/12 Japanese 2 B4
- Quiz review
- Vocab quiz Unit 2
- New vocab worksheet
- Chapter review packet
Homework: Script translated to Japanese
12/12 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Japanese AP exercise
- Writing time to add more details looking at the pictures
- Everyone got in groups and added the best ideas into one
- Wrote on the board everyone's new ideas
- New vocabulary (body parts)
Homework: Bring script translated to Japanese and Kanji Quiz
12/12 Japanese 2 B1
- Quiz review
- Vocab quiz Unit 2
- New vocab worksheet
- Chapter review packet
- Gave writing presentation packet
Homework: Script translated to Japanese
Friday, December 9, 2011
12/9 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Execises using nationality
- Practiced Christmas carols
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
12/9 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Exercises using nationality
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
12/9 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Execises using nationality
- Practiced Christmas carols
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
Thursday, December 8, 2011
12/8 Japanese 2 B4
- Collected English scripts and grade reports
- Reviewed vocab from P. 48 and 49
- Reviewed previous grammar mou and mada
- Exercises using how to change masu to BIII
BIII + no/koto + wa tanoshii desu.
Exercises using new grammar (suki & tanoshii)
Homework: Vocab Quiz (study P. 48 and 49)
12/8 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Collected script and grade reports
- Corrected previous exercises on can + verb
- Reviewed BV + ru (godan), BI+ rareru (ichidan), sareru and korareru
- Gave an AP test speaking exercise with pictures
- Brainstormed using the pictures
- Wrote sentences about the pictures
- Students presented some of their sentences
Homework: Start translating the script to Japanese
12/8 Japanese 2 B1
- Collected English scripts and grade reports
- Reviewed vocab from P. 48 and 49
- Reviewed previous grammar mou and mada
- Exercises using mada
- Exercises using how to change masu to BIII
BIII + no/koto + wa tanoshii desu.
Homework: Vocab Quiz (study P. 48 and 49)
Food drive competition and extra credit
You will get 1 point for each can donated. It cannot be ramen noodles and no expired goods will be accepted.
If you need extra credit and would love also to help someone in need during this season, please bring your cans to me by Thursday.
The class that bring the largest number of cans will get the privilege to get the deserts first during our Language night. For those that don't know what the language night is, this is the night after the world language week that students will get their cash prizes for the best movie. We offer awesome deserts (chocolate cake, cheese cake and cookies from Costco) during that night.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
12/7 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Katakana packet P. 55-58)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched 15 minutes of Zettai kareshi
- Reviewed Katakana a-po
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Exercises using months and days of the month working in pairs
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/7 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Katakana packet up to P. 55-60)
- Reviewed Katakana a-po
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Exercises using months and days of the month
- Katakana writing game with white board
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/7 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Katakana packet up to P. 51)
- Reviewed Katakana a-no
- New Katakana ha-ho
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/6 B1, B2 and B3
The sub collected the English script and also the grade reports signed
12/5 Japanese 1 A4
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed people counters, age and grades
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
- New grammar (months)
- Days of the month
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 55 to P. 60 and bring grade reports signed
12/5 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Katakana packet P.53 and 54)
- Collected English script
- Reviewed Katakana
- Katakana writing practice (chart and words)
- New grammar (months)
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 55 to P. 60
Monday, December 5, 2011
12/5 Japanese 1 A1
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Family vocab quiz
- Reviewed people counters, age and grades
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
- New grammar (months)
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 53 to P. 60
Friday, December 2, 2011
Student recognition prize
Here is the deal.
Japanese 1
If you come before or after school and write the whole Hiragana and Katakana chart including the " and . you'll get the gift card.
Japanese 2
If you come before or after school and write all the Kanji from Unit 1 and 2, their meanings and readings, you'll get the gift card.
Japanese 3
If you come before or after school and write half a page including at least 10 grammar items learned so far, you will get the gift card.
Japanese AP
If you come before or after school and write a page including at least 10 grammar items learned so far, you will get the gift card.
Ganbatte kudasai!!!
12/2 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (white vocabulary exercises)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched the drama called Zettai kareshi for 15 minutes
- Gave 5 minutes to everyone to discuss their movie assignment
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed new vocabulary (movie theater, post office, hotel, etc)
- Pop quiz using new vocabulary
- Corrected together exchanging with friends
- New grammar mou, mada
- Exercises using new grammar
Homework: Bring English script done and grade report signed
12/2 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (flashcards)
- Reviewed Kanji
- Went to take club pictures in the commons area
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched zettai kareshi
- New grammar Can+verb, _____dekiru youni naritai desu.
- Gave exercises using can + verb
Homework: Exercises given in class, English script and grade report signed
12/2 Japanese 2
- Checked homework (white vocabulary exercises)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched the drama called Zettai kareshi for 15 minutes
- Gave 10 minutes to everyone to discuss their movie assignment
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed new vocabulary (movie theater, post office, hotel, etc)
- Pop quiz using new vocabulary
- Corrected together exchanging with friends
- New grammar mou, mada
Homework: Bring English script done and grade report signed
Thursday, December 1, 2011
English scripts are due Monday and Tuesday!!!
12/1 Japanese 1 A4
- Gave everyone's grade report
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Family vocab Quiz
- Reviewed school grades
- Finished exercises given in class previously
- Gave time to everyone to get into their movie group
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
Homework: Katakana exercises P. 53&54
12/1 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Checked homework (grades)
- Corrected previous homework (outgroup exercises)
- Family vocab quiz
- Gave 10 minutes for the groups to plan for their English script
- Reviewed Katakana a-no
- New Katakana ha-ho
- Gave time to everyone to do Katakana writing exercises P. 53 & 54
Homework: Katakana writing packet P. 53 &54
12/1 Japanese 1 A1
Homework: Family vocabulary Quiz