I always have students that ask me for different resources on how to study more Japanese. I love the following websites. Also, I recommend everyone to watch Japanese dramas everyday for 15 minutes. It does help to improve your listening skills and vocab review.
Collected script translated to Japanese
Reviewed days of the month
Days of the month worksheet
Reviewed verbs
Speaking using new verbs
New grammar 74-76
Worksheet on new grammar
Homework: Calendar quiz (study the song and questions)
Reviewed for the quiz
Calendar quiz
Collected Japanese script
Reviewed verbs
Speaking using verbs
New grammar (P. 74-76) Particle de, well and little
Worksheet practicing new grammar (worksheet 4-1)
Just a friendly reminder that Japanese Club is this Wednesday after school. We are going to make happi coats and learn how to dance bon odori. Bring your own plastic tablecloth that you can purchase at the dollar store. Snacks will be provided.
Checked HW (Vocab worksheet)
Corrected homework and reviewed to wear verbs
New grammar Bte wa ikemasen, Bte mo kamaimasen
Worksheet reviewing verbs and clothing
Checked HW (Family vocab worksheet)
Reviewed Katakana
Katakana quiz
Corrected HW
Introduced remind 101. If you want to receive text messages about your assignments, please text to 81010 and in the message include @ccebe
Finished family vocab worksheet in class
Reviewed days of the month together
Watched youtube videos on days of the month in Japanese https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5RlHfHIRjE
Watched Hanayori Dango episode 6
Wrote 10 words from the drama
Homework: Bring your family review worksheet and study for Katakana quiz a-po
Checked HW
Watched Hanayori Dango episode 6
Reviewed Katakana
Corrected HW P. 55-60
Practiced Katakana writing a chart
Learned masu box
Family vocab list worksheet
Talked about Utah Japan Bowl
Gave World Language Week packet
Checked homework (packet P. 53 and 54)
Corrected HW
Reviewed Katakana
New Katakana
Reviewed Unit 3 vocab with powerpoint
AF Oral test
PG, Lehi and MV worked on their flashcards
Checked homework (Kanji worksheet)
Corrected homework and reviewed Kanji
Listening practice
Gave Kanji flashcards
Homework: Oral test (only Lehi) and Kanji flashcards
Checked HW (Katakana P. 52)
Reviewed Katakana
New Katakana na-no
Corrected HW
Listening practice Unit 3 (Finished first page)
Talked about Utah Japan Bowl
Gave World Language Week packet
Our annual Utah Japan Bowl will be held at BYU on March 7th (Saturday). Last year AFHS placed very high in all categories competing with schools from all over Utah. http://www.jaswdc.org/page-1451994 Level 3 and AP level winners will get to compete in the Nationals in Washington DC during Spring Break. I got a grant and everything will be paid! So excited! #gocaveman#afisthebest#japanbowl
Japanese Club activity for January will be on January 28th (Wed) just right after school. We'll be making happi coats and learn how to dance bon odori. In order to make happi coats, you will need to bring a plastic table cloth from the dollar store. The colorful the better.
Just a reminder that Monday is the last day of the term. Please check your grades and remember you are allowed to retake any quiz for full points. Any late assignment is due Thursday. NO exceptions!!!!
National Japanese exam will be offered at AFHS this year. It's only $8. Please register by Feb 15th. Pay at the financial office and bring me the receipt. http://www.aatj.org/nje
Talked about the movie assignment that is due Feb 5th.
Free talk in Japanese about the holidays reviewing verbs and some nouns
Talked about Christmas and New Years in Japan
Watched some fun TV shows
Reviewed flashcards
Talked about the movie project (It is due Feb 5th)
Free talking in Japanese about Winter break
Talked about Christmas and New Years in Japan
Watched some videos (Refer to the previous post)
Japanese people believe that watching funny TV shows together as a family on New Years will help them to start the new year happier and positively. The shows below are very funny and I hope you liked them. Note: there are some very weird, so if you don't like it, just skit it.
Welcome to Bellini sensei's blog!!! ベリーニ先生のブログへようこそ!
This is a blog created to help students and parents to know what has been covered in class and the assignments. Please feel free to leave any comments or suggestions here or by email. mbellini@alpinedistrict.org
I was born in Sao Paulo, Brazil, but when I was 14 my parents decided to immigrate to Japan due to Brazil's economy downturn. Since then I have a passion about Languages and I love everything about Japan.
I got married in 2001 with the best husband in the whole world. He is Brazilian, but served a LDS mission in Kobe, Japan. We have 2 kids, Kendi who is 8 and Kalena who is 4.
I finished my Masters degree at BYU in 2007 and I love to work teaching Japanese at American Fork High School. I've been teaching there since 2006.