Friday, December 16, 2011
Do you know how to say Happy New Year in Japanese?
Japanese New Year
OseiboIn Japan people give some gift in a lot of occasion. Oseibo is the most common issue as a year-end gift. They give it to their superiors, customers and teachers to express appreciation for the special services they have extended to them. Picture Asakusa Temple (c) Tomoyuki.U.
BonenkaiBonenkai is a party usually held among office colleagues and bosses. Bonenkai litarelly means a "Forget-the-year party" to forget the unpleasant memories of the passing year and to welcome the New Year with a fresh and serene mind. At the party, bosses usually tell their stuff to be Breiko (to forget their position and be impolite!), because the relationship in the workplace in Japan is a bit strict. For example, Japanese language has various expression for each word. One is called a polite word and another is called a modest word. People use these words in formal situation such as in a workplace. Picture Hanazono shrine.
OmisokaOmisoka is the day of New Year’s Eve. Since the New Year is the biggest event in Japan, people celebrate the Eve as well. People work so hard to prepare the New Year around one or two weeks such as cleaning (like spring cleaning in here) and shopping. The reason people do the cleaning in the middle of winter is to get rid of the dirty of the passing year and to welcome the New Year with a fresh and serene mind. And on Omisoka, with preparing the New Year’s special dishes called Osechi-ryori, people finish up all the work of the year. P
eople eat Toshikoshi-soba at night and stay up till midnight to listen to the 108 chimes of a nearby temple bell. Toshikoshi-soba is a bowl of hot brown noodles in broth. The noodle is a homophone for a word that means “being close” and therefore signifies the approach of the New Year. The 108 chimes called Joya-no-kane, rings out the old year and rings in the New Year. It is supposed to release people from the 108 worldly sins.Pictures: Stone statue of Jizo (religious icon) and inside shrine (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
ShogatsuShogatsu is the celebration of the New Year and is the most important holiday in Japan. Entrances are decorated with a Shimekezari. A Shimekazari is a twisted straw rope with fern leaves, an orange and other items of good omen. Family gather to their hometown and spend the time together. People celebrate the New Year with sweet sake called Toso, a soup called Zoni and Osechi-ryori during the holiday. Picture Kaminarimon (shrine) (c) Tomoyuki.U.
OtoshidamaDuring the holiday, people give special allowances to their children, nephews and nieces called Otoshidama. It is the busiest season for toy shops to attract children to spend their Otoshidama. Picture lucky charms (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
NengajoPeople send a lot of greeting cards to their relatives, friends, business acquaintances and customers to wish them a happy New Year. Post offices in Japan collect and keep them then deliver them on the New Year day all at once. This is a good opportunity to keep in touch with old friends and acquaintances.Picture roadside to a shrine (c) Hirotsugu Oi .
HatsumoudeThe shrines all over Japan are packed with people from the New year’s day to January 3rd. People go to shrine to pray for safety, happiness and long lives of the family. A lot of people are dressed up with their Kimono and buy a good luck talisman called Omamori. It is kept as a protection from illness, accidents and disasters. Picture shrine-entrance (c) Tomoyuki.U.
How to write "Happy New Year" in Japanese - あけましておめでとうございます
How to say "Happy New Year" in Japanese - Akemashite omedeto gozaimasu
Christmas in Japan
Christmas in Japan - Comparison between a Japanese Christmas and Christmas in western country.
Christmas in Japan is different from western countries like the USA or Australia. The major religions in Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, so Christmas is more commercial event. The main celebration revolves around Christmas eve and not Christmas day.
In Japan it is common to give Christmas presents. Within the family parents give presents to their children, but the children do not give presents to the parents. The reasoning behind this is that only Santa bring presents, so once the children no longer believe in Santa the presents are no longer given.
Most Japanese families would have a Christmas tree and now it is becoming very common to have lights on the outside of houses as you would see in the USA or Australia.
Christmas in Japan for Single Women
For single women in Japan it is really crucial to have someone to spend Christmas eve with. It is also really important for them where they spend Christmas eve and what present they receive. The whole evening must be very special, gorgeous and romantic. Japanese women who have a boy friend tend to show off, so women who don't are not happy to talk about the topic.
There also used to be a sarcasm that Christmas is compared with a woman's age. Cake shops throughout Japan always try to sell all their Christmas cakes before Christmas eve. Any cakes left after Christmas are seen to be very old or out of date. Women over 25 years old used to be said 'unsold Xmas cake.' It's a bit bad joke, though. However, nowadays, the average age for marriage has changed, getting older and older, and it is a history.
Christmas in Japan - Business & Shopping Hours
The shops are open Christmas day and all other days up to New Years day, except they close early on the 31st.
Most shops are then closed on the 1st, 2nd & 3rd. After this it depends on the shop, some will stay closed longer. The trend is towards shops opening on the 2nd of January.
Christmas in Japan - Language
How to say "Merry Christmas" in Japanese - easy - "Merry Christmas"
How to write "Merry Christmas" in Japanese - メリークリスマス
12/16 Japanese 2, 3 and AP
- Gave everyone's script back
- Ate some snacks
- Bingo
- Caroling around the school
Thursday, December 15, 2011
12/15 Japanese 1 A3 and A4
Months and days of the month quiz
Ate snacks
Went caroling
Homework: Work on your family presentation (powerpoint + draft)
12/15 Japanese 1 A1
Months and days of the month quiz
Practiced Christmas carols
Went caroling
Homework: Work on your family presentation (powerpoint + draft)
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
12/14 Japanese 2 B4
- Collected movie script translated to Japanese
- Finished review packet (Kanji exercises)
- Sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" for Cave TV
- Reviewed suki
- Played "do you love your neighbor?"
- Worked on family presentation
Homework: Your presentation draft is due Jan 4th
If you bring a food to share on Friday, I will give you 10 points of extra credit.
12/14 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Everyone got in groups to discuss their movie project
- Collected script in Japanese
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Kanji Quiz (hand, matter, number, etc)
- Reading practice
- Reviewed previous vocab
Homework: Bring a food to share for our Christmas party
12/14 Japanese 2 B1
- Collected movie script translated to Japanese
- Finished review packet (Kanji exercises)
- Sang "We wish you a Merry Christmas" for Cave TV
- Reviewed suki
- Played "do you love your neighbor?"
- Worked on family presentation
Homework: Your presentation draft is due Jan 4th
If you bring a food to share on Friday, I will give you 10 points of extra credit.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
12/13 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (days of the month exercises in hiragana)
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Finished nationality exercises
- Occupation exercises
- Added new information to their family draft
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
12/13 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (days of the month exercises in hiragana)
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Vocabulary list
- Occupation exercises
- Added new information to their family draft
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
Next class we will have a Christmas party at AFHS. Bring your Santa hat and a dish to share. Extra credit to those who bring it!!!!!
12/13 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Days of the month with song
- Reviewed months
- New vocabulary (occupation)
- Vocabulary list
- Finished nationality exercises (white)
- Added new information to their family draft
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Days of the month and months quiz
Monday, December 12, 2011
12/12 Japanese 2 B4
- Quiz review
- Vocab quiz Unit 2
- New vocab worksheet
- Chapter review packet
Homework: Script translated to Japanese
12/12 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Japanese AP exercise
- Writing time to add more details looking at the pictures
- Everyone got in groups and added the best ideas into one
- Wrote on the board everyone's new ideas
- New vocabulary (body parts)
Homework: Bring script translated to Japanese and Kanji Quiz
12/12 Japanese 2 B1
- Quiz review
- Vocab quiz Unit 2
- New vocab worksheet
- Chapter review packet
- Gave writing presentation packet
Homework: Script translated to Japanese
Friday, December 9, 2011
12/9 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Execises using nationality
- Practiced Christmas carols
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
12/9 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Exercises using nationality
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
12/9 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Katakana quiz a-po
- Reviewed months and days of the month
- Gave months and days of the month exercises in Hiragana
- New grammar (Nationality)
- Execises using nationality
- Practiced Christmas carols
Homework: Exercises in hiragana on months and days of the month
Thursday, December 8, 2011
12/8 Japanese 2 B4
- Collected English scripts and grade reports
- Reviewed vocab from P. 48 and 49
- Reviewed previous grammar mou and mada
- Exercises using how to change masu to BIII
BIII + no/koto + wa tanoshii desu.
Exercises using new grammar (suki & tanoshii)
Homework: Vocab Quiz (study P. 48 and 49)
12/8 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Collected script and grade reports
- Corrected previous exercises on can + verb
- Reviewed BV + ru (godan), BI+ rareru (ichidan), sareru and korareru
- Gave an AP test speaking exercise with pictures
- Brainstormed using the pictures
- Wrote sentences about the pictures
- Students presented some of their sentences
Homework: Start translating the script to Japanese
12/8 Japanese 2 B1
- Collected English scripts and grade reports
- Reviewed vocab from P. 48 and 49
- Reviewed previous grammar mou and mada
- Exercises using mada
- Exercises using how to change masu to BIII
BIII + no/koto + wa tanoshii desu.
Homework: Vocab Quiz (study P. 48 and 49)
Food drive competition and extra credit
You will get 1 point for each can donated. It cannot be ramen noodles and no expired goods will be accepted.
If you need extra credit and would love also to help someone in need during this season, please bring your cans to me by Thursday.
The class that bring the largest number of cans will get the privilege to get the deserts first during our Language night. For those that don't know what the language night is, this is the night after the world language week that students will get their cash prizes for the best movie. We offer awesome deserts (chocolate cake, cheese cake and cookies from Costco) during that night.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
12/7 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Katakana packet P. 55-58)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched 15 minutes of Zettai kareshi
- Reviewed Katakana a-po
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Exercises using months and days of the month working in pairs
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/7 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Katakana packet up to P. 55-60)
- Reviewed Katakana a-po
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Exercises using months and days of the month
- Katakana writing game with white board
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/7 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Katakana packet up to P. 51)
- Reviewed Katakana a-no
- New Katakana ha-ho
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed months
- Days of the month song
- Practiced Christmas songs
Homework: Katakana quiz a-po
12/6 B1, B2 and B3
The sub collected the English script and also the grade reports signed
12/5 Japanese 1 A4
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed people counters, age and grades
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
- New grammar (months)
- Days of the month
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 55 to P. 60 and bring grade reports signed
12/5 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Katakana packet P.53 and 54)
- Collected English script
- Reviewed Katakana
- Katakana writing practice (chart and words)
- New grammar (months)
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 55 to P. 60
Monday, December 5, 2011
12/5 Japanese 1 A1
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Family vocab quiz
- Reviewed people counters, age and grades
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
- New grammar (months)
- Sang some Christmas Carols
Homework: Katakana packet P. 53 to P. 60
Friday, December 2, 2011
Student recognition prize
Here is the deal.
Japanese 1
If you come before or after school and write the whole Hiragana and Katakana chart including the " and . you'll get the gift card.
Japanese 2
If you come before or after school and write all the Kanji from Unit 1 and 2, their meanings and readings, you'll get the gift card.
Japanese 3
If you come before or after school and write half a page including at least 10 grammar items learned so far, you will get the gift card.
Japanese AP
If you come before or after school and write a page including at least 10 grammar items learned so far, you will get the gift card.
Ganbatte kudasai!!!
12/2 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (white vocabulary exercises)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched the drama called Zettai kareshi for 15 minutes
- Gave 5 minutes to everyone to discuss their movie assignment
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed new vocabulary (movie theater, post office, hotel, etc)
- Pop quiz using new vocabulary
- Corrected together exchanging with friends
- New grammar mou, mada
- Exercises using new grammar
Homework: Bring English script done and grade report signed
12/2 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (flashcards)
- Reviewed Kanji
- Went to take club pictures in the commons area
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched zettai kareshi
- New grammar Can+verb, _____dekiru youni naritai desu.
- Gave exercises using can + verb
Homework: Exercises given in class, English script and grade report signed
12/2 Japanese 2
- Checked homework (white vocabulary exercises)
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched the drama called Zettai kareshi for 15 minutes
- Gave 10 minutes to everyone to discuss their movie assignment
- Gave everyone's grade reports
- Reviewed new vocabulary (movie theater, post office, hotel, etc)
- Pop quiz using new vocabulary
- Corrected together exchanging with friends
- New grammar mou, mada
Homework: Bring English script done and grade report signed
Thursday, December 1, 2011
English scripts are due Monday and Tuesday!!!
12/1 Japanese 1 A4
- Gave everyone's grade report
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Family vocab Quiz
- Reviewed school grades
- Finished exercises given in class previously
- Gave time to everyone to get into their movie group
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana
Homework: Katakana exercises P. 53&54
12/1 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Checked homework (grades)
- Corrected previous homework (outgroup exercises)
- Family vocab quiz
- Gave 10 minutes for the groups to plan for their English script
- Reviewed Katakana a-no
- New Katakana ha-ho
- Gave time to everyone to do Katakana writing exercises P. 53 & 54
Homework: Katakana writing packet P. 53 &54
12/1 Japanese 1 A1
Homework: Family vocabulary Quiz
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Parent-Teacher conference
I will be the whole day at the high school today until the end of the conference (around 6 p.m.) and tomorrow from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m at the junior high since I teach only one class there.
If your parents cannot attend the conference, please tell them they can email me anytime and we can set up an appointment.
11/30 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Gave time to everyone to talk about their English's script
- Gave white vocabulary exercises on new vocabulary
- Introduced new vocab (church, bank, etc)
- Game using a map
Homework: Finish the white exercises given in class
11/30 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (Kanji exercises)
- Reviewed Kanji
- Corrected exercises having students writing on the board
- Gave time to everyone to talk about their movie's English script
- Finished reading the story about the chuukichi
Homework: Kanji flashcards
11/30 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Location and verbs quiz
- Gave white vocabulary exercises on new vocabulary
- Introduced new vocab (church, bank, etc)
- Game using a map
Homework: Finish the white exercises given in class
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
11/29 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana ta-to
- Gave some time for the groups to talk about the movie
- Reviewed vocabulary for family in-group vs. out-group
- New vocabulary from textbook P. 60 & 61 (school grades)
- Added grades to their family's drafts
- Exercises on new vocabulary
Homework: Family Quiz (Study the first page of the blue packet)
11/29 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana ta-to
- Reviewed vocabulary for family in-group vs. out-group
- New vocabulary from textbook P. 60 & 61 (school grades)
- Added grades to their family's drafts
- Exercises on new vocabulary
Homework: Family Quiz (Study the first page of the blue packet) and finish exercises
11/29 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Katakana
- New Katakana ta-to
- Reviewed vocabulary for family in-group vs. out-group
- New vocabulary from textbook P. 60 & 61 (school grades)
- Added grades to their family's drafts
- Exercises on new vocabulary
Homework: Family Quiz (Study the first page of the blue packet)
Don't forget about our club pictures
11/28 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (Kanji review exercises)
- Reviewed Kanji
- Corrected homework
- Free talk in Japanese on thanksgiving break
- Gave family writing back
- Talked about common mistakes
- Reviewed some sentences and sentences structures to help students to finish their draft
Homework: Quiz Location nouns and verbs from Unit 2
Monday, November 28, 2011
11/28 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (White exercises)
- Reviewed mukae ni iku, tori ni iku, tsurete iku, motte iku
- Corrected exercises
- Reading practice
- New Kanji (Hands, number, half, etc.)
- Gave some time to students to finish exercises
Homework: Finish Kanji exercises
11/28 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (Kanji review exercises)
- Reviewed Kanji
- Corrected homework
- Free talk in Japanese on thanksgiving break
- Gave family writing back
- Talked about common mistakes
- Reviewed some sentences and sentences structures to help students to finish their draft
Homework: Quiz Location nouns and verbs from Unit 2
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
11/22 Japanese 1 A3
Since half of the class at AFHS was gone due to Renaissance assembly, we watched a little of castle in the sky and then the Japanese drama called ZETTAI KARESHI.
Bring the same homework and I'll be checking next class after the break
11/22 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Writing and outgroup family exercises)
- Watched World Language Week movies
- Reviewed ingroup and outgroup vocabulary
- Corrected homework
- Writing peer review
Homework: No homework
Monday, November 21, 2011
Japanese Club pictures
Japanese Club activity tomorrow
11/21 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed location nouns and ni arimasu/ni imasu
- Practiced with some questions on the board
- Reviewed new verbs P. 35 and te imasu form
- Talked about family presentation
- Worked on the first draft of family
Homework: Kanji exercises (white paper)
11/21 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Quick review for the test
- Test
- Talked about the movie assignment
- Gave time to all 5 groups to brainstorm some ideas about the movie
Homework: White exercises
11/21 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed location nouns and ni arimasu/ni imasu
- Practiced with some questions on the board
- Reviewed new verbs P. 35 and te imasu form
- Talked about family presentation
- Worked on the first draft of family
- New vocabulary from textbook
Homework: Kanji exercises (white paper)
B day 11/17
B1 watched Castle in the sky
B3 watched Howl's moving castle
B4 watched the drama Zettai kareshi
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
Thursday and Friday this week
You will have a sub and you'll be watching movies. Please come so that you can get 10 points for your daily grade. You will also have to write 10 words that you could understand from the movie you were watching to get additional points.
11/16 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed Katakana a-so and vowels combination
- Katakana Quiz
- Reviewed ingroup and outgroup
- Reading practice
- Writing practice about family
Homework: Outgroup exercises and family writing
11/16 Japanese 1 A3 at PGHS
- Reviewed Katakana a-so and vowels combination
- Katakana Quiz
- Reviewed ingroup and outgroup
- Reading practice
- Writing practice about family
Homework: Outgroup exercises and family writing
11/16 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Katakana a-so and vowels combination
- Katakana Quiz
- Gave outgroup family exercises (green paper)
- Reviewed outgroup exercises and people/age counters
- Reading practice about family and translation
- Worked on their family presentation (writing practice)
Homework: Finish green worksheet given in class and the family writing
Remember that next class I will be in Denver attending a language conference and you'll be watching Ponyo with Mr. Morrey. Show me your shukudai on Tuesday.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
11/15 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed Base+ TEimasu
- New grammar (directions)
- Directions game
- Watched one episode of the Japanese drama
- Directions exercises (blue) and corrected
Homework: No homework
11/15 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Gave previous homework back
- Corrected review sheet
- Reviewed transitive and intransitive verbs
- Exercises using transitive and intransitive verbs
- New grammar and new verbs P.292
- Exercises translation using new verbs
No homework
11/15 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (directions exercises, white sheet)
- Reviewed directions
- Played directions game
- Reviewed Kanji
- Gave Kanji exercises
No homework
Monday, November 14, 2011
11/14 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed Katakana a-so
- Katakana pop quiz
- Reviewed family vocabulary in-group and out-group
- Family packet (blue) sentences translation
Homework: Katakana Quiz a-so + Katakana packet up to P. 51
11/14 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed Katakana a-so
- Katakana pop quiz
- Reviewed family vocabulary in-group and out-group
- Family packet (blue) sentences translation
- Group work asking and answering in Japanese
Homework: Katakana Quiz a-so + Katakana packet up to P. 51
11/14 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Katakana a-so
- Katakana writing practice
- Reviewed family terms and counters
- Speaking practice using family vocab
Homework: Katakana quiz a-so
11/11 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Base+imasu
- Reviewed new verbs
- White board game using new verbs
- New grammar (directions)
Homework: Exercises using directions
Thursday, November 10, 2011
11/10 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (family exercises)
- Reviewed in-group family vocab
- Reviewed counters for age and people
- Corrected homework
- Talked about conversation fillers such as sou desu ka? and hontou desu ka?
- New vocab (Out-group family)
- Katakana review a-ko
- New Katakana ta-to
- Katakana chart writing
Homework: Katakana packet P. 47-51
11/10 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (family exercises)
- Reviewed in-group family vocab
- Reviewed counters for age and people
- Corrected homework
- New vocab (Out-group family)
- Gave time to everyone to talk with their groups about the movie assignment
- Katakana review a-ko
- New Katakana ta-to
- Katakana chart writing
Homework: Katakana packet P. 47-51
11/10 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Katakana packet)
- Corrected part of the homework
- Reviewed Katakana a-ko
- Introduced new vocabulary (in-group family)
- New counters nin and sai
- Practiced new vocab and counters orally
Homework: Family exercises (yellow)
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
11/9 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed reading in pairs
- Reading test
- Reviewed base te +imasu
- Group activity [Nani o shiteimasu ka]
- Exercises using Base te + imasu
- New verbs
- Speaking activity using new verbs
Homework: Yellow worksheet using the new verbs learned in class
11/9 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Quick review for the quiz
- Body parts & people description quiz
- Term 1 review Packet
- Kanji game
Homework: Finish review packet
11/9 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed reading in pairs
- Reading test
- Reviewed base te +imasu
- Group activity [Nani o shiteimasu ka]
- New verbs
- Speaking activity using new verbs
Homework: Yellow worksheet using the new verbs learned in class
Tuesday, November 8, 2011
11/8 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (katakana apcket P.33-45)
- Reviewed Katakana a-so
- Corrected homework
- Introduced new vocabulary (in-group family terms P. 52)
- Learned new counters (age and people)
- Practiced how to ask and answer questions using new vocab and counters
Homework: Family exercises
11/8 Japanese 1 A3 at Lehi
- Checked homework (Katakana packet P.33-45)
- Reviewed all the Katakana learned a-so
- Corrected homework
- Talked about how to combine katakana characters forming different sounds such as ye, kwa, kwo, etc.
- Reviewed in-group family vocabulary
- Reviewed counters for people and age
- Worked on family packet (questions 1 and 2)
Homework: Workbook exercises on in-group family vocabulary
11/8 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocab and counters quiz
- Corrected Unit 1 and 2 review packet
- Reviewed Katakana a-0
- New Katakana ka-so
- Started some exercises on the writing packet
Homework: Katakana packet P.33-45
Japanese Club T-shirts (last call)
As for today all the mediums are gone, so we have 5 more L sizes and 1 XL t-shirt. If you want to purchase them, pay as soon as possible $10 at the financial office. We want to take our Japanese club picture in our T-shirts. If you don't have one, but you are in the club, don't worry, just wear a black T-shirt for the picture day.
Monday, November 7, 2011
11/7 Japanese 2 B4
- Reading practice
- Reading practice in pairs
- Reviewed base te
- New grammar Base te + imasu
- Charades game using new grammar
Homework: Reading test
11/7 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed body parts
- Reviewed people's description using ______ ga adjective desu.
- Adjectives description game
- Reading practice about Chuuko and Chuukichi
Homework: Body parts and description quiz
11/7 Japanese 2 B1
- Reading practice
- Reading practice in pairs
- Reviewed base te
- New grammar Base te + imasu
- Charades game using new grammar
- New grammar exercises
Homework: Reading test
Friday, November 4, 2011
Japanese Club T-shirt
Japanese Club November activity
Since November is the month for Thanksgiving, we just want everyone to be thankful for your ancestors that came to America, so for the potluck we want you to bring a dish that reflects your heritage or something that is traditional in your home.
I will be bring fried rice, some students are bringing spring rolls, deserts, etc.
Please let us know if you are coming so that we know how much food we should prepare. You don't need to bring a lot of food, it is just a sample kind of thing, so if everyone brings something we will have tons of food to sample.
We want to get to know everyone better through this activity, so bringing a dish that is different will also give us the opportunity to know a little bit more about everyone.
11/4 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Reviewed Katakana a-0
- New Katakana ka-so
- Finished review packet
11/4 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocabulary Quiz
- Reviewed Katakana a-ko
- New Katakana sa-so
- Reviewed in group family vocabulary
- Learned Outgroup family vocabulary
- People counter
- Age counter
11/4 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed counters
- Counters Quiz
- Gave review packet
- Reviewed Object + wo + counter + kudasai
- Translated some sentences
- Played denwa game reviewing sentences and hiragana
Homework: Vocab quiz and counters (P. 40, 42, 45 and 46)
11/3 B1, B3 and B4
- B1 & B4 Unit test and watched a movie
- B3 Kanji Quiz and watched a movie
No homework for all classes
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
11/2 Japanese 1 A3 & A4
- Reviewed counters
- Counters Quiz
- Reviewed vocabulary with pictures
- New Katakana
- Reviewed Unt 1 & 2 (Review packet)
11/2 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (counters exercises)
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed counters
- Reviewed vocabulary with pictures
- New Katakana a-o
11/1 Japanese 2 B4
- Listening practice reviewing Unit 1
- Reviewed grammar from Unit 1
- Reviewed Kanji
- Kanji writing game
- Reviewed Base II
- Reviewed Base te and base te song
- Denwa game
- Gave time to talk about their movie assignment
Homework: Unit test
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
11/1 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed time and minutes
- Learned kara (from) and made (until)
- Journal writing using time
- Learned transitive and intransitive verbs (new packet)
- Exercises using the new verbs
- Kanji review
- Kanji writing game
Homework: Kanji quiz
11/1 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed grammar from Unit 1
- Reviewed Kanji
- Kanji writing game
- Reviewed Base II
- Reviewed Base te and base te song
- Denwa game
- Gave time to talk about their movie assignment
Homework: Unit test
Monday, October 31, 2011
10/31 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Green exercise on counter)
- Reviewed tsu song
- Finished watching nihongo dekimasu
- Hiragana writing game
- Students got in groups to start talking about their movie assignment
Shukudai: Counters Quiz
10/31 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Green exercise on counter)
- Reviewed tsu song
- Hiragana writing game
- Reviewed vocabulary
- Started Katakana packet a-o
- Family vocab from Unit 3
Shukudai: Counters Quiz
10/31 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Vocab exercises - white paper)
- Corrected homework
- Collected extra credit from those who were study buddies or hosted an exchange student
- Reviewed Tsu counter song
- Watched Nihongo dekimasu about counters
Shukudai: Green exercises on counters
Friday, October 28, 2011
Websites you can use to improve your language
Nihongo dekimasu videos
Japanese learning
Kanji learning
10/28 Japanese 2 B4
- Collected grade reports signed
- Checked homework (Kanji exercises)
- Gave time to everyone to talk about their movie project
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched the drama called Zettai kareshi
Homework: No homework
10/28 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (flashcards)
- Collected grade report signed
- Gave time to everyone to talk about their movies project
- Watched gokusen the movie
Homework: Kanji quiz
10/28 Japanese 2 B1
- Collected grade reports signed
- Checked homework (Kanji exercises)
- Gave time to everyone to talk about their movie project
- Since everyone did their homework, we watched Nobuta wo produce from
- Corrected homework
Homework: No homework
Thursday, October 27, 2011
10/27 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Collected packet
- Hiragana quiz ma-n
- Reviewed mai and tsu counter
- Watched Nihongo dekimasu about counters
Homework: Counters exercises
10/27 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Collected packet
- Hiragana quiz ma-n
- Reviewed mai and tsu counter
- Watched Nihongo dekimasu about counters
Homework: Counters exercises
10/27 Japanese 1 A1
Those that became study buddies/tour guides for the day, make sure you bring me a one page written in English about your experience being with a Japanese exchange student the whole day. Things that you thought was interesting, funny, new, etc. If you don't give it to me on Monday you are not getting this extra credit (25 points).
Also, since this morning was crazy, if you need to retake or turn in something to me, please come to the high school either before or after school tomorrow and I can help you out.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
10/26 Japanese 2 B4
- Unit 1 review sheet
- Reviewed previous grammar and wrote some examples
- Vocabulary list from dialogue
- Reading practice
- Gave time to students finish their homework for next class
HW: Pink exercises (Dialogue comprehension sheet) and report card signed
10/26 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework
- Corrected Kanji exercises
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Learned time and minutes
Homework: Time exercises, Kanji flashcards and report card signed
10/26 Japanese 2 B1
- Unit 1 review sheet
- Reviewed previous grammar and wrote some examples
- Vocabulary list from dialogue
- Reading practice
- Unit 1 listening practice
- Gave time to students finish their homework for next class
HW: Kanji exercises from review sheet and report card signed
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
10/25 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (vocab exercises)
- Corrected exercises
- Learned counters tsu and mai
- Learned tsu counter song
Homework: Hiragana quiz (everything) & turn in your hiragana packet
10/25 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (vocab exercises)
- Corrected exercises
- Learned counters tsu and mai
- Learned tsu counter song
- Hiragana review
Homework: Hiragana quiz (everything) & turn in your hiragana packet
10/25 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Quiz
- Collected Hiragana packet
- Gave vocabulary white sheet
- Learned new counters tsu & mai
Homework: Finish vocabulary exercises
Monday, October 24, 2011
10/24 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework
- Corrected part of the homework
- Listening practice
- Reading practice (dialogue sheet Mary and Ken)
- Gave Unit 1 review exercises
Homework: Finish Kanji exercises on the review exercises given in class
10/24 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed previous grammar _____wa ______ga _______
- Reviewed how to describe people in Japanese using adjectives and body parts
- Learned body parts song in Japanese
- Description game
- Worked on pair dialogue about room description
- Dialogue presentation
- New Kanji (ear, hands)
10/24 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework
- Corrected part of the homework
- Listening practice
- Reading practice (dialogue sheet Mary and Ken)
- Reviewed all Kanji learned
- Kanji karuta game
Homework: No homework
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
10/19 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Packet P. 30)
- Corrected pages 28 and 30
- Reviewed Kono, sono, ano
- Practice exercises using kono, sono, ano
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Karuta game
- Exercises
Homework: Finish exercises
10/19 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Packet P. 30)
- Reviewed Kono, sono, ano
- Practice exercises using kono, sono, ano
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Karuta game
- Gave exercises about vocab P. 40-46
Homework: Finish exercises
10/19 Japanese 1 A1
- Vocabulary Quiz (kudasai)
- Reviewed Kono, sono, ano
- Practice exercises using kono, sono, ano
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Karuta game
Homework: Hiragana Quiz & turn in your packet
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
10/18 Japanese 2 B4
10/18 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Adjectives Quiz
- Reviewed previous particles
- New particles yo & ne
- Pair work creating dialogues using ne and yo
- Reviewed Base te +iru
- Learned new grammar ______wa _______ ga
- Learned how to describe a person using body parts
Homework: No homework
10/18 Japanese 2 B1
Check your grades!!!!!!
Just a reminder that next week is the last week of the term. Please check your grades and see if there's any homework you would like to turn in for half credit and also if there's any quiz you would like to retake. Remember you can retake one quiz/term. Use this wonderful opportunity to improve your grades!!!!
Also, the deadline to turn in any late homework is Thursday (10/27). No exceptions!!!!!
Monday, October 17, 2011
Japanese Club activity reminder
10/17 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for Quiz
- Useful expressions quiz
- Reviewed Hiragana
- New Hiragana (Sound combination using small ya, yu, yo)
- Reviewed kono, sono and ano
- Translation exercises using kono, sono and ano
Homework: Hiragana writing Packet P. 30
10/17 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for Quiz
- Useful expressions quiz
- Reviewed Hiragana
- New Hiragana (Sound combination using small ya, yu, yo)
- Reviewed kono, sono and ano
- Translation exercises using kono, sono and ano
Homework: Hiragana writing Packet P. 30
10/17 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P. 21-28)
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Learned sounds combination in Hiragana Ex. Ki + small ya = Kya (P. 28)
- Exercises from packet P. 29
- Corrected exercises with students writing on the white board
- Reviewed kudasai expressions
- New grammar kono, sono, ano
Homework: Study white sheet on useful expressions that includes Kudasai
Friday, October 14, 2011
10/14 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed Base te
- Base te karuta game
- New grammar: Connecting verbs in sentences using base te
- Writing practice using base te to turn in in
- Watched a little of Porco Rosso
Homework: Base te quiz
10/14 Japanese 3/AP B3
Talked about the differences between Japanese schools and American schools
Homework: Adjectives Quiz
10/14 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Base te
- Base te karuta game
- New grammar: Connecting verbs in sentences using base te
- Writing practice using base te to turn in in
- Watched a little of Kiki's delivery service
Homework: Base te quiz
Thursday, October 13, 2011
10/13 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P. 21- 24)
- Reviewed hiragana together
- New hiragana (ra-ro, wa, o, n)
- Reading practice
- New grammar kono, sono, ano
- Practice using new grammar kono, sono, ano
Homework:Vocab Quiz
10/13 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P. 21- 24)
- Reviewed hiragana together
- New hiragana (ra-ro, wa, o, n)
- Reviewed vocabulary learned last class (trash, trash can, umbrella, etc)
- New grammar kono, sono, ano
- Practice using new grammar kono, sono, ano
Homework: Vocab Quiz
10/13 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocabulary quiz (Samui desu nee, atsui desu nee, hayaku, mou ichido onegaishimasu, etc)
- Reviewed all the hiragana learned together
- New hiragana (ra, ri, ru, re, ro, wa, o, n)
- Reviewed previous vocab (Trash, trash can, umbrella, etc)
Homework: Finish Hiragana packet P. 21- 28
Extra credit for 9th graders
If you are interested, please go and talk to Mr. Young (Assistant principal) in the office ASAP. He will assign you a Japanese exchange student for the day. You will serve as their "tour guide" throughout the day and they will be attending the same classes as you.
This extra credit will be part of this term's grades!!!!!! So don't lose this chance to improve your grades!!!!!
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Announcements for Japanese 1
You'll have to turn in your Hiragana packet just after Fall break (Oct, 25). Remember that each page is worth 10 points.
Next Japanese club activity
10/11 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocab Quiz
- Reviewed Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- New Hiragana ya, yu, yo
- Hiragana Packet
- New vocab from textbook P.40
- Reviewed Kudasai expressions together
Homework: Hiragana Packet P. 21, 22, 23 and 24
10/11 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed for the quiz
- Vocab Quiz
- Reviewed Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- New Hiragana ya, yu, yo
- Hiragana Packet
- New vocab from textbook P.40
- Reviewed Kudasai expressions together
Homework: Hiragana Packet P. 21, 22, 23 and 24
10/11 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Vocab list)
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- New Hiragana ya, yu, yo
- Hiragana Packet P.21, 22, 23 and 24
- New vocab from textbook P.40
Homework: Vocab Quiz
Monday, October 10, 2011
10/10 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed directions nouns and room's objects
- Directions quiz
- Reviewed adjectives
- Exercises using adjectives and sono, kono, ano
- Reviewed how to connect adjectives using kute and de
- Corrected first exercise
- Played karuta game on adjectives
Homework: Adjectives Quiz
10/10 Japanese 2 B1 & B4
- Checked homework (Base te exercises from nihongo dekimasu)
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched "the grave of the fireflies"
- Reviewed Base te and corrected homework
- Finished watching nihongo dekimasu Bte + mo + iidesuka?
No homework
Friday, October 7, 2011
Japanese Club T-shirt
It's $5!!!!!
10/7 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Vocab list review packet)
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched nihongo dekimasu
- New Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- Writing practice
Homework: Vocab Quiz
10/7 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Vocab list review packet)
- Corrected homework reviewing the words/sentences together
- Reviewed Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- Reviewed tekudasai (Please + verb) expressions learned previously in class
- Watched Nihongo Dekimasu on tekudasai
- Only AF students --> Practiced writing Hiragana chart
Homework: Vocabulary Quiz (Study the big white packet)
10/7 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Hiragana flashcards)
- Hiragana chart writing practice and listening practice
- New Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
- Finished watching nihongo dekimasu on ludasai
- Gave vocabulary list review packet and everyone started working on it
Homework: Finish packet given in class
Thursday, October 6, 2011
10/6 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (exercises using BII+tai)
- Reviewed BII+tai, BII+takunai, ga hoshii, ga hoshikunai
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Base te and song
- Played Simon says in Japanese using Base te
- New grammar Base te + mo + ii desu ka?
- Watched First skit of nihongo dekimasu
10/6 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed location nouns
- Reviewed vocabulary for objects in a room
- Practiced ni arimasu vs. ga arimasu
- Reviewed Base te and practiced together with different verbs
- New grammar (informal form of the verbs or BIII)
- Finished watching Nihongo Dekimasu on the new grammar
Homework: Location nouns Quiz
10/6 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (exercises using BII+tai)
- Reviewed BII+tai, BII+takunai, ga hoshii, ga hoshikunai
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Base te and song
- Played Simon says in Japanese using Base te
- New grammar Base te + mo + ii desu ka?
- Watched First skit of nihongo dekimasu
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
10/5 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Quiz a-po
- Gave vocabulary review exercises (white packet)
- Reviewed ~kudasai expressions
- Played Simon says using kudasai expressions
- Finished watching Nihongo Dekimasu
Homework: Finish white packet given in class today
10/5 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Hiragana Quiz a-po
- Gave vocabulary exercises to everyone that finished the quiz
- Reviewed wakarimasu ka? and Miemasu ka?
- New Hiragana ma, mi, mu, me, mo
Homework: Finish the vocabulary exercises given in class
10/5 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana Quiz a-po
- Useful expressions exercises
- Reviewed tekudasai expressions
- Played Simon says in Japanese
- Gave Hiragana flashcards
Tuesday, October 4, 2011
10/4 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed Kanji for Quiz
- Kanji Quiz
- Gave Base te packet back and the students work on Base te exercises
- Choose the design for Japanese club T-shirt
- Reviewed Base II + tai, takunai, hoshii and hoshikunai
- Watched Nihongo dekimasu
Homework: BII+tai exercises
10/4 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (Adjectives exercises)
- Since everyone did the homework, we finished watching Mononoke Hime
- Reviewed adjectives
- Reviewed location and room vocab
- Corrected last class' homework (Location exercises - blue)
- Reviewed base Te
- New grammar: Bte + iru, Bte + imasu
10/4 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Kanji for Quiz
- Kanji Quiz
- Gave Base te packet back and the students work on Base te exercises
- Choose the design for Japanese club T-shirt
- Reviewed Base II + tai, takunai, hoshii and hoshikunai
- Watched Nihongo dekimasu
Homework: BII+tai exercises
Japanese Club activity for October

Mark in your calendars!!! Our next club activity will be Undoukai ( on Oct 26th just right after school!
Also, we are voting in our Japanese classes for the best T-shirt design for Japanese club. The cost for the T-shirt is only $5. You'll be paying only for the T-shirt because the printing will be free. Thanks to Miyo chan's father who is going to make all the T-shirts for us for free. Yay!!!
Monday, October 3, 2011
10/3 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Hiragana flashcards)
- Watched Azumanga daioh
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana white board game
- Reviewed tekudasai
- Watched skit 1 of nihongo dekimasu
Homework:Hiragana Quiz (Study writing packet P. 1- 20)
10/3 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (flashcards)
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Writing practice quiz in Hiragana
- Matching exercises reviewing useful expressions
- Corrected exercises
- Played Simon says in Japanese using tekudasai
10/3 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana white board game
- Reviewed previous useful expressions
- Practiced wakarimasu ka? hai, wakarimasu/iie, wakarimasen
- Reviewed tekudasai
- Watched skit 1 and 2 of nihongo dekimasu
Homework:Hiragana Quiz (Study writing packet P. 1- 20)
Go to the website below and practice the flashcards.
9/30 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Collected homework (Blue exercises)
- Watched Mononoke Hime
- Wrote 10 words they could understand from the movie
- Sub gave adjectives exercises as homework
Homework: Adjectives exercises given by the sub
9/30 Japanese 2 B1 & B4
- Collected homework (Base te packet)
- Students wrote the Kanji recently learned 10 times and turned it in to the sub
- Watched part of [Grave of the fireflies]
- Wrote 10 words they could understand from the movie
Homework: Kanji Quiz (Study the Kanji exercises finished in class)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
9/29 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Packet P. 17-20)
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Chart writing practice
- Slapping game reviewing vocab from Unit 1
Homework: Hiragana flashcards
9/29 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Packet P. 17-20)
- Since everyone did the homework we watched azumanga daioh
- Corrected homework
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Chart writing practice
- Reviewed useful expressions
- Learned new expressions verb + kudasai
- Learned the difference between kudasai & onegaishimasu
Homework: Hiragana flashcards
9/29 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework P.17, 18 and 19
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched Miruku onegaishimasu, Pokenoir and Mario Party (movies from AFHS Japanese students)
- Students worked on finishing page 20
- Reviewed all hiragana learned so far a-po
- Hiragana chart writing in their notebook
- Separated the students in groups for the Karuta game (slapping game) reviewing all the vocab learned so far
No homework
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
9/28 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed for the quiz using USA's map
- Japan's map quiz
- Watched part of Azumanga Daioh about Okinawa
- Reviewed Kanji
- Finished Kanji exercises
- New grammar Base te
- Learned the Base te song
HW: Base te exercises (First page from the packet given in class)
9/28 Japanese 2 B3
- Reviewed Kanji
- Kanji Quiz
- Reviewed adjectives
- Adjectives' exercises
- Reviewed i-box
- Wrote on the journals describing your bedroom using adjectives
- Bedroom vocabulary exercise
- Reviewed ga arimasu and ga imasu
Homework: Blue exercises (Location)
9/28 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed for the quiz using USA's map
- Japan's map quiz
- Watched Azumanga Daioh about Okinawa
- Reviewed Kanji
- Finished Kanji exercises
- New grammar Base te
HW: Base te exercises (First page from the packet given in class)
Japanese Club T-shirt contest
I am planning on showing the designs to all my classes on Monday and Tuesday.
Also, yesterday we had a club activity where the club members created posters to advertise our club to the school. You guys were amazing!!! I loved how the posters ended up so SUGOI!!!
Thanks everyone for your hardwork!!! By the way, all the pictures I took yesterday are already on Facebook. And all the pictures I take during Japanese club, I will be turning in to the yearbook committee.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
9/27 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (packet P.16)
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- New hiragana ha, hi, hu, he, ho, ba, bi, bu, be, bo, pa. pi, pu, pe, po
- Worked for 10 minutes on writing packet
- New useful expressions from Unit 2
- Japanese eye test
- Listening practice reviewing Unit 1 (We couldn't finish everything)
Homework: Hiragana Packet P. 17, 18, 19 & 20.
9/27 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (packet P.16)
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- New hiragana ha, hi, hu, he, ho, ba, bi, bu, be, bo, pa. pi, pu, pe, po
- Worked for 10 minutes on writing packet
- Finished listening practice reviewing Unit 1
- New useful expressions from Unit 2
- Japanese eye test
Homework: Hiragana Packet P. 17, 18, 19 & 20.
9/27 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (packet P. 15 and 16)
- Watched Grudge of the ring
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- New hiragana ha, hi, hu, he, ho, ba, bi, bu, be, bo, pa. pi, pu, pe, po
- Worked for 10 minutes on writing packet
- New useful expressions from Unit 2
- Japanese eye test
- Practiced asking and answering questions
Homework: Hiragana Packet P. 17, 18, 19 & 20.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Extra credit
I am looking for tutors from Japanese 2, 3 and AP to help Japanese 1 students with grammar and hiragana. You'll have to come Tuesdays and Thursdays just right after school for 20 minutes. Everytime you come you'll get 5 points of extra credit either helping or getting help from our tutors.
If the tutors come and no one comes to get help, the tutors will have to stay in class and help me correcting quizzes or grading assignments in order to get the extra credit.
If you are interested, please let me know. Oct 28th is the last day of the term that means we only have about a month until the end of the term!!!! ACT NOW!!!!! Don't PROCRASTINATE!!!!
Japanese Club tomorrow
If you have it at home, please bring colorful pens, markers and posters. I am going to provide some markers and butcher paper.
Thanks everyone!!!
9/26 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (Kanji flashcards)
- Collected report cards signed by a parent
- Reviewed verbs in base II
- Reviewed directions north, south, east and west
- Reviewed Japan's five main islands
- Reviewed Kanji (reading and meaning)
Homework: Quiz on Japan's map (study white packet)
9/26 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Collected homework (grade report signed by a parent)
- Reviewed directions (on, under, right, left, etc)
- Game using directions
- Reviewed adjectives
- Finished Kanji exercises
Homework: Directions Quiz
9/26 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (Kanji flashcards)
- Collected report cards signed by a parent
- Reviewed verbs in base II
- Reviewed directions north, south, east and west
- Reviewed Japan's five main islands
- Reviewed Kanji (reading and meaning)
Homework: Quiz on Japan's map (study white packet)
Friday, September 23, 2011
9/23 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.12, 13, 14)
- Gave grade reports
- Reviewed Hiragana
- New Hiragana na, ni, nu, ne, no
- Finished watching totoro
Shukudai: Bring grade report signed and finish hiragana packet P. 15 & 16
9/23 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.12, 13, 14)
- Reviewed Hiragana
- New Hiragana na, ni, nu, ne, no
- Watched some movies that students made in the previous years
Shukudai: Hiragana packet P. 15 & 16
9/23 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.12, 13, 14)
- Gave grade reports
- Reviewed Hiragana
- Corrected homework asking the students to write the answers on the white board
- New Hiragana na, ni, nu, ne, no
- Finished listening practice
- Writing practice listening to the CD and writing words in Hiragana
- Watched part of grudge of the ring
Shukudai: Bring grade report signed and finish hiragana packet P. 15 & 16
Thursday, September 22, 2011
Check your grades and don't give up!!!
Mid-term is already here and yesterday we had Parent-Teacher conference and several of your parents came to talk me. I loved to get to know your parents!!! If your parents were unable to come, and if they have any questions about your grades please tell them they can contact me anytime by email.
Keep checking your grades and don't let accumulate tons of homework to turn in. What you can do it now, do it!!!! Don't procrastinate!!! And as you know, you can choose one quiz to retake. Use this opportunity to improve your grades!!!
I can help you guys sharing my knowledge about the Japanese language, but you have to earn your grades. Remember that grades are not given, you have to do your part in order to get it.
I have heard some of you complaining how hard it is to be in high school, but high school is an awesome experience that you learn how to survive in the society after you graduate. Don't lose your time complaining about your homework, just do it!!! When you get a job in the future, you cannot complain about the projects and duties you get, you just have to work hard to accomplish them. Hard work will bring you opportunities to a raise, to learn different types of jobs that will give you a better resume and much more. So, enjoy the time you are in high school!!! High school is just an important process you have to go through in order to prepare you better for the future!!!!
I am so grateful I had three years in high school in Japan. That was the time in life that I figured out I wanted to become a Japanese teacher, that I needed to work harder to become fluent in Japanese and that high school is hard, but it was fun. I really miss those days and I don't regret about anything I did at that time. I really want everyone to work as hard as you can, so that when you look back you can be pride of your self!!!
Ganbatte kudasai!!!!!
Japanese exchange student
Please contact Ellen Townsend 801-756-2292
Remember that you will get 40 points of extra credit hosting an exchange student after you turn in a report about your experience explaining about things you learned living with a Japanese native speaker for a week.
9/22 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed verbs
- Verbs Quiz
- Gave grade reports
- Gave verbs exercises (BII + tai & ga hoshii)
- Reviewed verb types
- Translated sentences using grammar together
- Learned directions as south, north, east and west
- Learned about Japanese main islands
Homework: Bring grade report signed and make Kanji flashcards (Eyes, mouth, etc)
9/22 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework
- Since everyone did the homework, we watched mononoke hime
- Talked about Japanese exchange student
- Reviewed adjectives
- Reviewed i-box
- Corrected homework
Homework: Bring grade report signed
9/22 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed verbs
- Verbs Quiz
- Gave grade reports
- Gave verbs exercises (BII + tai & ga hoshii)
- Reviewed verb types
- Translated sentences using grammar together
- Learned directions as south, north, east and west
- Learned about Japanese main islands
Homework: Bring grade report signed and make Kanji flashcards (Eyes, mouth, etc)
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
9/21 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana Quiz a-zo
- New Hiragana ta, chi, tsu, te, to & da, ji, zu, de, do
- Learned new useful expressions
- Listening practice about telephone numbers and pages
- Explained about flashcards that can be practiced from
- Make sure you click on AFHS, then Japanese 1 and sign in with you firstnamelastname (no spaces, no capital letters) and the password will be your student ID.
Homework: Use flashcards online, finish packet up to page 13 and study for your hiragana Quiz (from a to zo)
9/21 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Went through moodle website and taught everyone how to access it
- New Hiragana ta, chi, tsu, te, to & da, ji, zu, de, do
- Reviewed previous useful expressions including it's hot, it's cold, it's cool, etc.
- Listening practice about telephone numbers, pages
Homework: Hiragana Quiz and access moodle practicing flashcards
9/21 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana Quiz a-zo
- New Hiragana ta, chi, tsu, te, to & da, ji, zu, de, do
- Reviewed previous useful expressions including it's hot, it's cold, it's cool, etc.
- Listening practice about telephone numbers, pages and introduction
Homework: Hiragana packet p. 10, 11 & 12
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
9/20 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Kanji Quiz
- Hiragana & Katakana writing practice
- Students wrote the answer on the board
- Reviewed verbs from verbs list (notebook)
- New verbs
Kaimono wo suru: To go shopping
Aruku: To walk
Kaeru: To go home
Toshi wo toru: To get old
- New Kanji (Eyes, I, now, person,etc)
- Exercises using new Kanji
Homework: Verbs Quiz (matching)
9/20 Japanese 3/AP
- Check Homework (new kanji flashcards)
- Watched 15 minutes of Mononoke Hime as a class prize
- Reviewed Kanji
- Reviewed directions
- Free talk about location
_______ ha doko ni arimasu ka?
- New grammar (Adjectives)
Homework: Exercises (adjective type)
9/20 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Kanji Quiz
- Hiragana & Katakana writing practice
- Students wrote the answer on the board
- Reviewed verbs from verbs list (notebook)
- New verbs
Kaimono wo suru: To go shopping
Aruku: To walk
Kaeru: To go home
Toshi wo toru: To get old
- New Kanji (Eyes, I, now, person,etc)
- Exercises using new Kanji
Homework: Verbs Quiz (matching)
9/19 Japanese 1 A3 & A4
Worked on Hiragana Packet (up to page 9)
Watched Totoro in Japanese
Homework: Bring Hiragana packet finished up to P. 9
Monday, September 19, 2011
9/19 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Hiragana Packet Sa-so, za-zo)
- Reviewed Hiragana together
- Hiragana writing practice
- Students wrote the answers on the board
- Reviewed telephone numbers
- Group activity asking each others phone number using only Japanese
Homework: Hiragana Quiz (study packet p.1-p.9)
Friday, September 16, 2011
9/16 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (flashcards & grammar exercises)
- Reviewed verbs in base II
- Corrected homework and collected exercises
- Reviewed new grammar with pictures
Noun ga hoshii, noun ga hoshikunai
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Reviewed Kanji in pairs
- kanji exercises
Homework: Kanji Quiz (numbers and day of the week)
9/16 Japanese 3/AP
- Checked homework (Exercises using ni arimasu & directions)
- Kanji Quiz
- Reviewed directions and previous grammar from packet
- Corrected homework
- New Kanji (yama, to write, to leave, etc)
- New Kanji exercises
- Learned koko, soko and asoko
Homework: New Kanji flashcards
9/16 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (flashcards & grammar exercises)
- Reviewed verbs in base II
- Reviewed new grammar
Noun ga hoshii, noun ga hoshikunai
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Reviewed Kanji in pairs
- kanji exercises
Homework: Kanji Quiz (numbers and day of the week)
Thursday, September 15, 2011
9/15 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.1-4)
- Reviewed hiragana together
- Learned new hiragana sa, shi, su, se, so, za, ji, zu, ze, zo
- Hiragana writing chart practice to turn in
- Reviewed numbers
- Learned denwa bangou
- New useful expressions
Homework: Hiragana packet
9/15 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.1-4)
- Reviewed hiragana together
- Learned new hiragana sa, shi, su, se, so, za, ji, zu, ze, zo
- Hiragana writing chart practice to turn in
- Reviewed numbers
- Learned denwa bangou
- New useful expressions
- Particle nee
Homework: Hiragana packet
9/15 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (Hiragana packet P.1-4)
- Reviewed hiragana together
- Learned new hiragana sa, shi, su, se, so, za, ji, zu, ze, zo
- Hiragana writing chart practice to turn in
- Reviewed numbers
- Learned denwa bangou
- New useful expressions
Homework: Hiragana packet
Do you want to host an exchange student from Japan?
The following is the information I got from the English school in Provo that is in need of host families for Japanese junior high school students who are coming next month. Please contact Ellen Townsend (Host Family Coordinator) 801-756-2292.
Those that become host families will get 40 points of extra credit after writing a report about their experience living with a Japanese person.
Selnate English School
Thank you for your consideration to host a student from Japan or China for a week or more. There are many blessing that come your way when you open your home and heart to these international friends.
What you give:
American family atmosphere (dinner chit-chat, chores, grocery shopping, homework, games...)
Two meals a day (lunch is provided for them by their program)
Rides to Provo on week days (carpooling with neighbors, students meet buses for sight-seeing)
Private bedroom, shared bathroom (nothing luxurious, just the basics; must be clean)
Weekend and evenings involving a guest, sharing whatever it is your family regularly does.
What you receive:
Personal experience with a student (or teacher if you choose) from another country.
Learn about their famiy and customs. Try eating new foods they may want to share.
A look into your own family, your habits and traditions, get to share what is special to your family.
A life-long friend (they are great to email!)
Children learn to accept others who are different. (Kids are so great! They have few fears.)
New activities or games they bring from home to teach about their culture.
Language barrier is minimal compared to what they are able to learn from you! And you from them!
Financial compensation for meals, transportation, and activities.
Our family has had four wonderful experiences with this program and we look forward to the next time we can share our home with a student who is far away from their own.
Once you have applied to be a host family, and are approved by the Selnate School, you will receive emails of all the opportunities they have for you. There are opportunities to have foreign students several times a year, or just once in a while. You are free to pick and choose what dates will work for your schedule.
For example, the last week of October there will be a group of Japanese boys, ages 14-15, coming for eight days; in February there will be some high school girls coming for ten days; in March a group of college-age girls will need host families for a couple of weeks. All of these groups will also have needs for placing the teachers that travel with the students.
To host a boy, you must have a son in the home, age 5-17. To host a girl, you must have a daughter in the home, age 5-17. Empty nesters may welcome teachers for a peaceful adult experience.
Again, thank you for looking into this opportunity. Please let me know if I can answer any questions.
Ellen Townsend Host Family Coordinator 801-756-2292
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
9/14 Japanese 2 B4
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Katakana quiz
- Katakana reading practice
- Katakana writing game in groups using mini white board
- Reviewed verbs and base II
- New grammar
- BII + tai & BII + takunai
- Noun ga hoshii desu & Noun ga hoshikunai desu
- Gave Kanji flashcards (numbers and days of the week)
- Gave exercises using new grammar
Homework: Finish flashcards (write meaning in English and reading in Japanese behind each Kanji) and do exercises using new grammar taught in class today.
9/14 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed Kanji
- Gave journals back to everyone and talked about some common mistakes
- Journal writing time 土曜日と日曜日に何をしますか。
- Kanji game using white board
- Reviewed direction (ue, shita, migi, hidari, ushiro, mae, etc)
- Learned ni arimasu, ni imasu & ga arimasu, ga imasu
9/14 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Katakana quiz
- Katakana reading practice
- Katakana writing game in groups using mini white board
- Reviewed verbs and base II
- New grammar
- BII + tai & BII + takunai
- Noun ga hoshii desu & Noun ga hoshikunai desu
- Gave Kanji flashcards (numbers and days of the week)
- Gave exercises using new grammar
Homework: Finish flashcards (write meaning in English and reading in Japanese behind each Kanji) and do exercises using new grammar taught in class today.
Japanese club reminder
Make sure you pay your club fees at the financial office by A3 tomorrow. I will be getting a list of the students who paid from Michelle during lunch, so if you are not on my list you will not be able to attend the meeting or you'll have to bring me your receipt just to prove you have paid.
Please feel free to invite your friends that are interested in the Japanese culture, but remind them to pay the fees as well.
I am looking forward to our onigiri party tomorrow!!!!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
9/13 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed useful expressions together
- Useful expressions quiz
- Gave time to finish some of the pages of Hiragana packet
- Reviewed hiragana a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Learned new Hiragana ga, gi, gu, ge, go
- Reading practice from yellow packet P. 5
- Reviewed kore, sore and are
- Watched nihongo dekimasu skit 1, skit 2
Homework: Hiragana yellow packet P. 1 to P. 5
9/13 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed useful expressions together
- Useful expressions quiz
- Gave time to finish some of the pages of Hiragana packet
- Reviewed hiragana a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Learned new Hiragana ga, gi, gu, ge, go
- Reading practice from yellow packet P. 5
- Reviewed kore, sore and are
- Watched nihongo dekimasu skit 1, skit 2
Homework: Hiragana yellow packet P. 1 to P. 5
9/13 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed useful expressions together
- Useful expressions quiz
- Gave time to finish some of the pages of Hiragana packet
- Reviewed hiragana a, i, u, e, o
- Learned Ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Reviewed page numbers
- Learned telephone numbers
Homework: Hiragana yellow packet P. 1 to P. 4
9/13 Japanese 1 A1
- Reviewed useful expressions together
- Useful expressions quiz
- Gave time to finish some of the pages of Hiragana packet
- Reviewed hiragana a, i, u, e, o, ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Learned new Hiragana ga, gi, gu, ge, go
- Reading practice from yellow packet P. 5
- Reviewed kore, sore and are
- Finished watching nihongo dekimasu
Homework: Hiragana yellow packet P. 1 to P. 5
Monday, September 12, 2011
Japanese Club and club fees
Invite your friends!!! This is a Japanese culture club and not a Japanese language club!!!
9/12 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (Katakana flashcards)
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Katakana chart writing on notebook
- Katakana review in pairs using flashcards
- Katakana karuta game
Homework: Katakana Quiz
9/12 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Reviewed verbs
- Verbs Quiz
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Journal writing (土曜日と日曜日、何をしましたか。)
Homework: Kanji Quiz
9/12 Japanese 2 B1
- Checked homework (Katakana flashcards)
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Katakana chart writing on notebook
- Katakana review in pairs using flashcards
- Katakana karuta game
- Reviewed verb bases (B1 to B5)
- Reviewed verb types
Homework: Katakana Quiz
Friday, September 9, 2011
9/9 Japanese 1 A4
- Checked homework (useful expressions exercises - blue paper)
- Reviewed and corrected homework
- Reviewed hai, sou desu & iie chigaimasu
- Reviewed Hiragana a, i, u, e, o
- New Hiragana ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Learned basic colors in Japanese
- Reviewed kore, sore, are
- Watched skit one on kore, sore, are of Nihongo Dekimasu
Homework: Useful expressions Quiz (Study blue sheet)
9/9 Japanese 1 A3
- Reviewed previous useful expressions
- New useful expressions P. 21 & 22
- Exercises using all the useful expressions learned
- Corrected exercises together
- Hiragana a, i, u, e, o
- Exercises practicing Hiragana
Homework: Useful expressions Quiz (Study blue sheet)
9/9 Japanese 1 A1
- Checked homework (useful expressions exercises - blue paper)
- Reviewed and corrected homework
- Reviewed hai, sou desu & iie chigaimasu
- Reviewed Hiragana a, i, u, e, o
- New Hiragana ka, ki, ku, ke, ko
- Learned basic colors in Japanese
- Reviewed kore, sore, are
- Watched skit one on kore, sore, are of Nihongo Dekimasu
Homework: Useful expressions Quiz (Study blue sheet)
Thursday, September 8, 2011
9/8 Japanese 2 B4
- Checked homework (Writing about your own family in hiragana)
- Reviewed in group and outgroup terms
- Handed in Katakana flashcards
- Reviewed Katakana together
- Reviewed useful expressions verb +kudasai
- Reviewed verbs + new verbs (yaseru, futoru, mieru, kikoeru)
Homework: Katakana flashcards (if you have the set from last year, just bring those)
9/8 Japanese 3/AP B3
- Checked homework (Kanji flashcards)
- Reviewed Kanji (reading and meaning)
- Finished Kanji exercises and corrected exercises
- Reviewed verbs + new verbs
Homework: Verbs Quiz
9/8 Japanese 2 B1
- Reviewed Hiragana for the quiz
- Hiragana Quiz ha-n
- Finished Kanji exercises (pink)
- Corrected exercises
- Reviewed Kanji together
- Handed in Katakana flashcards
- Reviewed days of the month song
- Reviewed days of the week song
- Reviewed months
- Gave your notebooks back with family writing correction
- Reviewed verbs + new verbs (yaseru, futoru, mieru, kikoeru)
Homework: Katakana flashcards (if you have the set from last year, just bring those)
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Japanese movies from World Language Week
Dragons are forever (Japanese AP)
Milk please (Japanese 3)
Awesome adventure (Japanese 2)
Pokenoir (Japanese AP)
Lock down (Japanese 3)
Mario Party (Japanese 3)
Terror on Drury Lane (Japanese 1)
Dough of our lives (Japanese 3)
Katakana practice websites
Listening practice
Hiragana practice website
9/7 Japanese 1 A4
- Reviewed desu box and how to put the words together in a sentence
- Learned how to ask and answer questions
Kore wa ______ desu ka.
hai, sou desu/iie chigaimasu
- Reviewed useful expressions
- Reviewed kore, sore and are
- New expressions (slowly please, one more time please, etc)
- Introduced Hiragana
- Hiragana a, i, u, e and o
- Practice exercises using white and yellow packets
Homework: Useful expression matching exercises
Japanese 1 Club representatives
A3: Boshard san
A4: Ellis san
All the representatives should attend our presidency meeting next Monday during lunch. We are going to decide all the activities for the whole year and how to use our club budget.
Please remind everyone to pay our club fees by Monday at the financial office. $10 desu!!!!
9/7 Japanese 1 A3
- Checked homework (blog follower)
- Chose a class representative for Japanese club (Boshard san)
- Reviewed how to ask questions
- Learned hai sou desu/iie chigaimasu
- Practice the answers with numbers
- Learned how to say the page counters in Japanese
- Learned the difference between kore, sore and are
- Watched nihongo dekimasu about kore, sore and are
- Reviewed useful expressions
Homework: No homework