Thursday, May 17, 2012

Junior High presentations A1

This is a reminder for AFJH students. Since next Friday most of you guys will be going to Lagoon, our presentations will be on Monday and Wednesday. If you don't present on the day you are supposed to, you can not make it up.

Monday (5/21)
1) Banks san
2) Anderson san
3) Ingram san
4) York san
5) Andersen san
6) Taylor san

Wednesday (5/23)
1) Blakeley san and Leyba san
2) Miller san, Gurney san, Daly san, Carson san and Parry san
3) Lytle san
4) Versteeg san, Kitchen san and Eastwood san
5) Newman san, Shupe san
6) Easton san
7) Ramos san
8) Jensen san and Riley san
9) Roberts san and Hunt san
10) Fredes san, Mora san and Madrigal san

Total 100 points

20 points  The student brought a poster with several pictures
20 points  The student memorized the whole presentation
20 points  The students included 4 sentences in Japanese (each person should say 4 sentences)
20 points  The presentation was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  The student brought an outline of the presentation typed

* You can have index cards, but I don't want you to read from it all the time.
* Your outline should be typed and you don't have to type in hiragana/katakana

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