Monday, November 20, 2017

11/20 Japanese 3 A4

Checked homework (20 sentences about family) using the rubric below and also Unit 3 Kanji review packet (yellow)

Japanese 3   Presentation
1)    You have to include all the grammar learned from Chapter
a.     Counters for people (Mention how many people you have in your family and how many siblings you have. Remember you have to count including yourself) and age (Include everyone’s ages)
b.     Family terms (in-group)
c.      Describe 2 people using adjectives and body parts  
   Nameは Body partsが Adj です
d.     2 verbs in Base te imasu (doing) Ex: working, studying, learning, reading, etc
e.     1 sentence describing 1 person using 2 adjectives andくて
f.       1 sentence describing 1 person using 2 adjectives and で
g.     Sentence explaining what you are planning to do in the future
 私はPlaceVerb withoutますに行きます

Reviewed Kanji flashcards Unit  3

Played quizlet live

Homework: Kanji packet P. 135, 136 and 19 times each 

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