Using the worksheet above, the students wrote about their families including age, number of people, names and grades.
Reviewed counter for grades Number + Nensei
(if you need to review by yourself, watch the video below again)
Learned nationality watching the following video. Country +じん
Practiced family presentation with a partner
1. This is the picture of my family. こちらはかぞくのしゃしんです。
2. I have _______ people in my family. かぞくは____にんです。
3. Dad, mom, older brother, older sister, younger brother, younger sister and me. ちちとははとあにとあねとおとうとといもうとと私です。
5. This is my dad. My dad's name is _________.こちらはちちです。ちちのなまえは____です。
6. My dad is ___________years old. ちちは____さいです。
7. This is my mom. My mom's name is _______.こちらはははです。ははのなまえは___です。
9. My mom is _________years old.ははは____さいです。
10. This is my older brother. My older brother's name is ____. こちらはあにです。あにのなまえは______です。
11.My older brother is ____ years old. And, my older brother is _________ (grade). あには___さいです。そして、あには_______ねんせいです。
Elementary school しょうがっこう
Middle school ちゅうがっこう
High school こうこう
College だいがく
12.My family is American. かぞくはアメリカじんです。If you need help reviewing in-group and out-group family terms, re-watch the videos below. If you haven't taken notes yet, please take notes while watching the videos. (Own family) (Someone's family)
Homework: Family blue packet P. 11 and 12 (Refer to your notes taken in class or watch the video below again)
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