Tuesday, February 19, 2019

2/19 Japanese 1 B1 and B3

Checked homework: Family picture printed and countries worksheet (green). If you were absent, please print from below. 

Watched countries and nationalities video reviewing the vocab above. If you were absent, watch the video below.

Wrote all the new vocab from video in the vocab section

Reviewed "my family" vocab

Reviewed family vocab, people and age counter

Reviewed age in Japanese

Reviewed people counter in japanese

Reviewed out-group family vocab

Reviewed new vocab (Countries) and finished the worksheet below

Practiced presenting their family presentation and wrote on their journals. If you were absent, write the following sentences on the back of your note (journal section). Please check your journal if you have all the sentences below.

1)This is my family's picture.

2)My family is (#) people (I have #people in my family).
かぞくは #にんです。

3)My family is (consists of) dad, mom,older brother, older sister, younger brother, younger sister and me.

4) This is my father. My father's name is _________. My father is ______ years old.

5) This is my mother. My mother's name is _________. My mother is ______ years old.

6) My family is American.

Homework: Bring a family picture (black and white OK) printed and bring the grade report given during class signed (B1 class ONLY).
 If you lost yours or if you haven't received one during B1 today, please print from Skyward and give to your parents to sign. 

Keep working on your movie project. The movie is due next Tuesday (Feb 26). No exceptions!!!!

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