Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Movie project rubric

2/28 Japanese 1 B6 and B8

Checked oral test flashcards (pink)

Answered each oral test question together

Reviewed oral test with a partner

Worked on movie project

Homework: Movie project
The oral test will be next Wednesday

2/28 Japanese AP B5

Checked homework (Unit review packet and Kanji Unit 9 worksheet)

Corrected Unit test together

Reviewed Kanji Unit 9

Played quizlet live

Homework: Movie project. The Unit 9 Kanji quiz will be next Wednesday. Review for Kanji using the link below.

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

2/27 Japanese 1 AFJH B8

Checked homework (Oral test flashcards and Unit 3 review packet)

Collected blue packet

Corrected Unit 3 test

Homework: No homework. just keep reviewing for Oral test. The movie project is due Friday.

Monday, February 26, 2018

2/26 Japanese 3 A4

Reviewed and corrected the packet below

Unit 8 test

Homework: Unit 6 Kanji packet P. 147, 148 and 20 times each and salmon packet P. 79

2/26 Japanese 2 A2 and A3

Presentation from Temple University of Japan


Kanji packet P. 193, 194 and 20 times each. Check the link above for help.

2/26 Japanese 1 IVC A1

Presentation from Temple University of Japan

Homework: Finish the flashcards below you got last class (cutting horizontally and writing the answers below)

Also, Finish unit 3 packet and study for Unit test using the link below.  The movie project is due Thursday too.

Temple University Japan study abroad program

$2000 for 8 weeks + airfare from SLC to Tokyo

Please contact
Nathan Crowne 
for any questions

2/23 Japanese 1 B6 and B8

Checked homework (Pink Oral test flashcards)

Unit 3 test

Using the pink flashcards, we reviewed speaking about family with Hiromi sensei

Learned days of the week Kanji from packet pages 221 and 222.

Homework: Finish Unit review packet (yellow) and study for oral test. Since we'll have a weird schedule next week due to ACT test, the oral test will be on March 7th.

2/23 Japanese AP B5

Speaking practice with Hiromi sensei

Unit 15 test

Learned new Kanji Unit 9

Karuta game

Homework: Finish the worksheet above and review Kanji using the link below.

2/22 Japanese 3 A4

Speaking practice with Hiromi sensei

Unit 8 review packet (green)

New Kanji Unit 6 P. 145-147

Homework: Finish Unit 6 Kanji packet P. 147, 148 and 20 times each. Refer to the link above for help and study for Unit 8 test

2/22 Japanese 2 A2 and A3

Unit 7 test

Speaking practice with Hiromi sensei

New Kanji Unit 7 pages 191, 192 and 193

Homework: Kanji packet P. 193, 194 and 20 times each. Check the link above for help.

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

2/22 Japanese 1 IVC A1

Unit 3 all review packet

Oral test flashcards

Finished family packet (blue for AF high)

Homework: Finish unit 3 packet and study for Unit test. We are going to have a guest speaker on Monday from Japan to talk about a study abroad program in Tokyo, so the test will be on Thursday. The movie project is also due Thursday.

2/21 Japanese 1 B6 and B8

Reviewed occupation

Corrected blue packet P. 13 and 14

Listening practice P. 17 and 18. If you want you to listen again, refer to the link below.

Played quizlet live reviewing all Unit 3

Gave all Unit 3 review packet

Oral test flashcards

Homework: Study for the quiz using the review packet above and bring flashcards cut with answers on the back about your own family

You can also study for the quiz using the link below

2/21 Japanese AP B5

Checked homework (yellow packet P. 31)

Corrected homework

Reviewed grammar Volitional form (let's informal) P. 78

Reviewed Volitional + omotteimasu

Reviewed  Bte oku

Reviewed qualifying nouns

Played quizlet live

Gave Unit 15 all grammar/vocab review packet. You can find the answers below.

Homework: Review packet finished and study for the Unit test