Friday, May 25, 2012

Japanese Club presidency 2012-2013

We chose the new presidency during Japanese club activity yesterday.

Angela Vannarath
Peter Bates

Brett Anderson

Sarah Isaacson

Bryce Ellis
Deanna Russon

Japanese AP rep
Monica Carmona

Japanese 3 rep
Taylor Allen
Josh Cottrell

Japanese 2 rep
B1  Taylie Turner
B3 Amelia Crandall

Thanks everyone!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A lesson to be learned

This is it. We are pretty much on our last week of class. No more homework, no more tests and quizzes for about 2 months and a half. Have you tried your best this semester? Have you studied for the quizzes and tests? Have you turned in all your homework?

The reason I am asking those questions is because I am getting tons of students asking how they can bring their grades up. Sorry, it's too late. I accept late homework until a week after it was due, I let you retake a quiz per term and I have given tons of extra credit during this term. Check the posts below I posted in March and April.

As a teacher, I tried my best to do whatever I could to help those that needed extra points. I update my blog every single day for you to check to see what we have done during the day and what would be your homework for next class. I also update my grades regularly including quizzes, daily grade and assignments. YOU were the one that had to check your grades regularly to see if you had to turn in any late homework or retake a quiz.

Some of you guys even mention that you hate high school. High School seems not very fun to some of you, but wait until you get a real job and have a family on your own. I bet you will miss high school so much!!!!!!!!

It's easy to come to your teacher and ask for a better grade, but does it work the same way in real life? Of course not. If you go to your boss and ask for a raise just because you need to pay your mortgage and car payments, is he going to provide you the money right away? I doubt.

High school is just a practice for "the real life". If you think high school is hard, you can't even imagine how hard it is the life after high school.

I really want all of you to become successful people in the future. I don't want you guys to keep trying the easier path and think this is the best to do. We need to go through lots of tribulations in life to learn that is worth to work hard and try your best no matter what. Remember that things that come easy to you, you may also lose it very easily.

I don't want to be the mean teacher. It's because I care about all of you that I want you to learn that things should be done in certain orders and sometimes there's no way to go back and fix it. 

Good luck everyone!!! 3 more days!!!

5/23 Japanese 1 A3


1) Busby san
2) Crandall san
3) Jensen san
4) Roth san
5) Parratt san
6) Shular san
7) Arnerich san
8) Melamed san
9) Alyn san
10) Edwards san
11) Melamed san
12) Patten san
13) Seegmiller san
14) Proctor san

Watched drama

5/23 Japanese 1 A1

1) Blakeley san and Leyba san
2) Miller san, Gurney san, Daly san, Carson san and Parry san
3) Lytle san
4) Versteeg san, Kitchen san and Eastwood san
5) Newman san, Shupe san
6) Easton san
7) Ramos san
8) Jensen san and Riley san
9) Roberts san and Hunt san
10) Mora san and Madrigal san

If you bring a snack to share, you will get 15 points of extra credit. Next class we will be watching a movie.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

5/22 Japanese 2 B4

Practiced for the skits
Finished watching koushounin

Homework: Presentations

5/22 Japanese 3/AP B3

Reading practice
Reading test
Finished watching koushounin

Homework: Presentations

5/22 Japanese 2 B1


Practiced for the skit

Homework: Memorize your lines for your skit

Monday, May 21, 2012

Japanese Club on Thursday

Our last Japanese club activity in this Thursday.

I will be getting some pizza and we'll be voting for the next year's presidency. Our president, Miyo, is graduating and we need new representatives.

Please come!

5/21 Japanese 1 A3


  • Review minutes and time with clock
  • Reviewed kara and made
  • Checked homework and correct
  • Finished watching Nihongo dekimasu
  • Karuta game

Homework: presentations
1) Busby san
2) Crandall san
3) Jensen san
4) Roth san
5) Parratt san
6) Shular san
7) Arnerich san
8) Melamed san
9) Alyn san
10) Edwards san

5/21 Japanese 1 A4

I had to go to UVU for graduation practice. Students watched a movie with the sub.

Homework: Presentations
1) Turner san
2) Clark san
3) Isaacson san
4) Ellis san
5) Cook san
6) Howard san and Narayan san
7) Tischner san

5/21 Japanese A1


1) Banks san
2) Anderson san
3) Ingram san
5) Andersen san
6) Taylor san

Watched Final Fantasy.

Homework: If you bring a food to share, I will give you 10 points of extra credit.

The rest of the presentations. Remember that if you don't present on the day you are supposed to, you can not make it up later.
1) Blakeley san and Leyba san
2) Miller san, Gurney san, Daly san, Carson san and Parry san
3) Lytle san
4) Versteeg san, Kitchen san and Eastwood san
5) Newman san, Shupe san
6) Easton san
7) Ramos san
8) Jensen san and Riley san
9) Roberts san and Hunt san
10) Fredes san, Mora san and Madrigal san

Thursday, May 17, 2012

5/18 Japanese 2, 3 and AP

Watched the movie Koushonin and everyone wrote 20 words they could understand.

Homework: Work on your final project. 

5/17 Japanese 1 A4


  • Reviewed for the quiz
  • Kanji quiz
  • Introduced time and minutes
  • Exercises
  • Watched nihongo dekimasu

Homework: Work on your presentation

5/17 Japanese 1 A3


  • Reviewed for the quiz
  • Kanji Quiz
  • Reviewed minutes and time
  • Exercises practice using time
  •  Watched Nihongo dekimasu about time
  • Reviewed kara and made

Homework: Prepare for your presentation

5/17 Japanese 1 A1


  • Returned the texbooks
  • Reviewed quiz together
  • Kanji quiz
  • Onigiri Party

Homework: Final presentations (Don't forget to bring your posters)

Japanese 3/AP presentations

Japanese 3/AP presentations will be on Thursday 5/24 (last day of class for us).
If you don't present on that day, you cannot make it up.

100 points total

30 points The student memorized the presentation
30 points The student brought a Powerpoint presentation
30 points  The pictures on the Powerpoint and the lines were related
10 points   The student brought a typed outline

Japanese 2 live skits

Both Japanese 2 classes will be performing their live skits on the day of their finals.

B1 class 5/29 (Tuesday)
B4 class 5/24 (Thursday)

If you don't present on the day you are supposed to, you can not make it up.

100 points

30 points  The students memorized their lines
20 points  The skit was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  They showed they have practiced and prepared for the skit
20 points  The skit was entirely in Japanese
10 points  A typed script was given to your teacher

Japanese 1 presentation A4

5/24 (Wed)
1) Turner san
2) Clark san
3) Isaacson san
4) Ellis san
5) Cook san
6) Howard san and Narayan san
7) Tischner san

5/25  (Fri)
1) Ottesen san and Reynolds san
2) Parker san and Hirsh san
3) Jackman san
4) Harrison san
5) McMillan san
6) Lisle san

Total 100 points

20 points  The student brought a poster with several pictures
20 points  The student memorized the whole presentation
20 points  The students included 4 sentences in Japanese (each person should say 4 sentences)
20 points  The presentation was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  The student brought an outline of the presentation typed

* You can have index cards, but I don't want you to read from it all the time.
* Your outline should be typed and you don't have to type in hiragana/katakana

Japanese 1 presentation A3 (AFHS, LHS and PGHS)

The following ate the dates you should do your presentation. Lehi and PG students you must present in powerpoint.

5/23  (Wed)
1) Busby san
2) Crandall san
3) Jensen san
4) Roth san
5) Parratt san
6) Shular san
7) Arnerich san
8) Melamed san
9) Alyn san
10) Edwards san

5/25 (Fri)
1) Seegmiller san
2) Pattensan
3) Croxford san
4) Proctor san
5) Liebelt san
6) Bown and Haley san
7) Anderson san
8) Hampton san
9) Hunsaker and Stay san
10) Gibson san
11) Boshard san

Total 100 points

20 points  The student brought a poster with several pictures
20 points  The student memorized the whole presentation
20 points  The students included 4 sentences in Japanese (each person should say 4 sentences)
20 points  The presentation was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  The student brought an outline of the presentation typed

* You can have index cards, but I don't want you to read from it all the time.
* Your outline should be typed and you don't have to type in hiragana/katakana

Junior High presentations A1

This is a reminder for AFJH students. Since next Friday most of you guys will be going to Lagoon, our presentations will be on Monday and Wednesday. If you don't present on the day you are supposed to, you can not make it up.

Monday (5/21)
1) Banks san
2) Anderson san
3) Ingram san
4) York san
5) Andersen san
6) Taylor san

Wednesday (5/23)
1) Blakeley san and Leyba san
2) Miller san, Gurney san, Daly san, Carson san and Parry san
3) Lytle san
4) Versteeg san, Kitchen san and Eastwood san
5) Newman san, Shupe san
6) Easton san
7) Ramos san
8) Jensen san and Riley san
9) Roberts san and Hunt san
10) Fredes san, Mora san and Madrigal san

Total 100 points

20 points  The student brought a poster with several pictures
20 points  The student memorized the whole presentation
20 points  The students included 4 sentences in Japanese (each person should say 4 sentences)
20 points  The presentation was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  The student brought an outline of the presentation typed

* You can have index cards, but I don't want you to read from it all the time.
* Your outline should be typed and you don't have to type in hiragana/katakana

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

5/16 Japanese 3/AP B3


    Collected 24 hours speaking assignment
    Returned Japanese books at the book depository
  • Practiced reading
  • Reviewed Kanji
  • Watched the movie Koushounin 

Homework: Exercises using new grammar

Rubric for Japanese 3/AP presentation

100 points total

30 points The student memorized the presentation
30 points The student brought a Powerpoint presentation
30 points  The pictures on the Powerpoint and the lines were related
10 points   The student brought a typed outline

Rubric for Japanese 2 live skits

100 points

30 points  The students memorized their lines
20 points  The skit was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  They showed they have practiced and prepared for the skit
20 points  The skit was entirely in Japanese
10 points  A typed script was given to your teacher

Rubric for Japanese 1 presentations

Total 100 points

20 points  The student brought a poster with several pictures
20 points  The student memorized the whole presentation
20 points  The students included 4 sentences in Japanese (each person should say 4 sentences)
20 points  The presentation was between 3 to 5 minutes
20 points  The student brought an outline of the presentation typed

* You can have index cards, but I don't want you to read from it all the time.
* Your outline should be typed and you don't have to type in hiragana/katakana

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

5/14 Japanese 3/AP B3

Watched a movie with the sub

Homework: Finish crossword exercises that was given last week during class

5/14 Japanese 2 B1 & B4

Watched a movie with the sub

Homework: Unit test

5/16 Japanese 2 B1 & B4


  • Collected 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Unit test
  • Practiced for the skit

Homework: Practice skit (memorize your lines)

5/15 Japanese 1 A4


  • Collected 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Watched one litter of tears
  • Kanji writing on the white board (front)

Homework: Kanji quiz

5/15 Japanese 1 A3


  • Collected 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Reviewed Kanji (Days of the month)  and song together
  • Kanji writing on the white board game
  • Give everyone's translation back
  • Minutes and time
  • Exercises using time and minutes

Homework: Kanji quiz and hour/minutes exercises

5/15 Japanese 1 A1


  • Collected 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Reviewed Kanji together
  • Kanji game writing on the white board
  • Give everyone's translation back
  • Gave final project sign up sheet and explained about the rubric

Homework: Kanji quiz

Friday, May 11, 2012

5/11 Japanese 1 A4


  • Reviewed vocabulary together
  • Vocab quiz
  • Finished Listening practice with CD
  • Reviewed days of week Kanji
  • Days of the week writing  quiz
  • Gave time to everyone to talk about their project

 Homework: Bring your 24 hour speaking assignment finished

5/11 Japanese 3 (PGHS) A3


  • Reviewed vocabulary together
  • Vocab quiz
  • Reviewed days of the week in Kanji and song
  • Finished up to E Listening practice with CD
  • Write a letter to their mother for mother's day

Homework :Bring your 24 hour speaking assignment finished

5/11 Japanese 1 A1


  • Reviewed vocabulary together
  • Vocab quiz
  • Finished listening practice with CD
  • Write a letter to their mother for mother's day

Homework: Bring your 24 hour speaking assignment finished

5/10 Japanese 3/AP B3


  • Practiced reading in pairs
  • Vocabulary list for reading
  • Went over every single Kanji on the reading
  • Gave crossword exercises

Homework: Finish exercises

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hiragana practice

Katakana flashcards

Hiragana flashcards

Verbs flashcards

You can find a set of verbs flashcards using this site. Good lucck!!

If you want to get ahead on your Japanese studies

This is a website that I always refer some of my students to check. From this website you can review some of the grammar you have learned in class and also learn more advanced ones. If you have any question, please let me know.

You can also try to do mini tests if you scrow down everything.

5/10 Japanese 2 B1 & B4


  • Checked homework (Review packet)
  • Corrected homework
  • Reviewed informal form
  • Reviewed Kanji
  • The students got in groups and practiced their skit

Homework: Unit quiz

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

5/9 Japanese 1 A4


  • No homework
  • Reviewed Kanji
  • Kanji writing practice
  • 5 min speaking
  • Listening exercises
  • Write a letter to your mom

Homework: Vocab quiz. Go online and practice


5/9 Japanese 1 A1

  • Give everyone the 24 minute talking
  •  Checked homework (Kanji exercises last page)
  • Five minute talkingスポーツはなにがすきですか?スポーツはなにがきらいですか?たべものは?
  • Reviewed Kanji and corrected homework
  • Math game
  • Reviewed vocab with white board Game
Homework: Vocab quiz (Study the vocab worksheet given previously in class)
You can also got to the links below and practice vocab with game

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

5/8 Japanese 3/AP B3


Japanese 3 students worked on their final project
Japanese AP students practiced some AP exercises

No homework

5/8 Japanese 2 B1 & B4


  • Checked homework (reading exercises)
  • Reading practice
  • Corrected homework
  • Reviewed grammar Base te
  • Five minute talking きのう、なにをしましたか。(Use base te)
  • Gave 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Karuta game reviewing vocab

Homework: Finish Unit packet (review packet)

Monday, May 7, 2012

5/9 Japanese 1 A3 (Lehi)


  • Checked homework (Kanji exercises last page)
  • We watched 15 minutes of One litter of tears and the students wrote 10 words they could understand from the movie. 
  • Reviewed Kanji together
  • Corrected homework
  • Follow up on 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Reviewed Kanji (dictation)

Homework: Vocab quiz. Go online and practice

5/7 Japanese 1 A3


  • Checked homework (Kanji 4th page)
  • Vocab game using
  • Reviewed Kanji
  • New Kanji (days of the week)
  • Vocab game online

Homework:Kanji exercises (last page)

5/7 Japanese 1 A4


  • Checked homework (Kanji exercises last page)
  • Reviewed Kanji 
  • Corrected Kanji exercises
  • Gave and explained about 24 hour speaking assignment
  • Vocabulary game (white board)

Homework: No homework

5/7 Japanese 1 A1


    Homework: Kanji exercises and practice the websites above at home

    Friday, May 4, 2012

    5/4 Japanese 2 B4


    • Oral test
    • Watched Final Fantasy

    Homework: No homework

    5/4 Japanese 3/AP B3


    • No homework
    • Reviewed "to give" 母の日に何をプレゼントしますか?”
    • Finished reading
    • Reading comprehension exercises
    • Writing a letter to a family member

    Homework: Finish letter at home

    5/4 Japanese 2 B1


    • Oral test
    • Watched Zettai kareshi

    Homework: Reading comprehension exercises

    Thursday, May 3, 2012

    5/3 Japanese 1 A4


    • Checked homework (Kanji exercises)
    • Watched one litter of tears
    • Reviewed Kanji
    • New Kanji
    • Corrected homework
    • Reviewed days of the week and days of the month song

    Homework: Kanji exercises

    5/3 Japanese 1 A3


    • Checked homework (Vocab worksheet)
    • Talked about 24 hour speaking assignment that is going to start next week (50 points)
    • Since everyone did their homework, we watched one litter of tears (finished episode 2)
    • Reviewed Kanji(reading)
    • New Kanji (numbers from 6 to 10)
    • Kanji game on
    • Five minute talking (AFHS only)

    Homework: Kanji exercises (4th page)

    5/3 Japanese 1 A1


    • Checked homework (Kanji exercises)
    • Since almost everyone did their homework, we watched Porco rosso
    • Reviewed Kanji (reading)
    • New Kanji (numbers 6 to 10)
    • Corrected homework
    • Reminded everyone about 4 sentences that needed to be translated to Japanese (tomorrow is the last day)

    Homework: Finish Kanji exercises (forth page)

    5/2 Japanese 2 B4

    Watched Whisper of the heart

    Homework: Oral test

    Tuesday, May 1, 2012

    5/1 Japanese 1 A4


    • Followed up on quiz online
    • Finish vocab exercises
    • Five minute talking using colors
    • Kanji packet (numbers 1 to 10, month and day)
    • Kanji math game

    Homework: Kanji exercises (4th page of Kanji packet)

    5/1 Japanese 1 A3


    • Checked homework (colors exercises)
    • Kanji packet (Numbers 1-5, day and month Kanji)
    • Exercises

    Homework:  Finished vocab review sheet

    5/1 Japanese 1 A1


    • Reminded everyone about the 20 facts to be sent to me by email
    • Vocab review sheet
    • Reviewed colors
    • Five minute talking on colors
    • New Kanji (Numbers 1-4, day and month)
    • Kanji exercises
    • Reviewed days of the month song and tsu counter song (sushi song)
    • Listening practice (A, B and C)

    Homework: Finish Kanji packet (P1 and 2) and send to me your 20 facts and 4 sentences translated to Japanese