Friday, November 6, 2009

One more extra credit opportunity!!

I still don't know how many of you are checking our class blog, so just to see how many of you are currently checking, I created one more extra credit opportunity. If you become one of my FOLLOWERS (look at the side bar), you will get 5 extra credit points.

By the way, the previous extra credit opportunities you can check from below:

Also, Japanese 1, 2 & 3 Presentations are going to start next week. Make sure you check the schedule.

Have a nice weekend!!!!


  1. Hi Bellini Sensei,

    This is Joshua Davis from B2. I am following your blog as Webdog10.
    BTW, do I get extra credit for posting this?


  2. I'll make sure to give everyone who is following the blog the extra credit points.

  3. Sensei; this is Liz Burnett from A1, I tried changing the name to my name but it seems that it won't work...Just letting you know its me ^^
